Power of Mind

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Eloise :

The scene made me feel as if I'm taking part in world war . The palace gates were torn apart . Witches and warlocks were flying up in skies holding out there hands with different colours of lights beaming through them .

My pack members , guards and mate were fighting alongside with the vampire and if it were any other situation it'd have warmed my heart but now wasn't the time to appreciate the togetherness.

Witch Queen was seen at the far end of the now looking battle field , by looks she looked utterly disappointed and angry .

" what do we do ?" Bronx comes next to us and asks looking all drained out. After all fighting magic with manpower is a hard job to do .

" Gather the mermaids and call my brothers , now !" I ordered him . He looked over to Alexander and he just nods before Bronx rushes off to complete my command .

Soon froze alongside my brothers came beside me .

" This isn't looking good ." Froze utters and for once I completely agreed with her .

" Just do as I say , will you ? Is matter of life and death !"

She looked conflicted but nevertheless agreed to my prays .

" So the plan is simple . They're too many to take notice of us missing. So I'll play trick with  their minds and distract them . In the meantime , Ace and Rex take one mermaid with you and erase their memories of why they're doing this ?"

They nod so I continued.

" We just need enough time to get them listen to their Queen. Okay ?"

We were on our way to get the plan in action .

I tried to focus on one at a time . If I could get through their Queen they should be relatively easy target. My mind focused on them and soon I was dragged in so much if turmoil. Feeling every wall break before I could take control over their minds. Meanwhile Ace and Rex helped the mermaids teleport to them and erase a little part of their memories.

I'd be lying if I say it wasn't exhausting . Soon my mind was spinning mess . I couldn't hear a single words and all I could see was blurry vision around me .

" Ellie !!!" I could sworn I smiled as I called into Austin's arms . Damm him to make me feel all giddy even when I'm not in right state of mind . His touch sends my inside in a damn zoo.

" I'm fine , I'm fine . I'm getting a hang of it now !" I say .

" You just got out of bed and soon you're planning to fall back on bed ? Who told you to use your powers here ? What if something happened to you ?you should be more careful!"

'' Are you scolding me right now?"

" Damm right I'm ! That's it you're not leaving your room until you regain your strength!"

I just smiled and nod at him .

Soon another pair of hands hold my hand out if Austin's and I swear I heard a hard growl emerging from him .

" Precious! You okay ?"

" Drop her hands right now , leech or else -"

" Or else what ? What you gonna do , dog ?"

Oh goodness!

" I'm gonna rip you off in pieces !"

" Yea, and I'm gonna sit back and see you do that right ?"

They're seriously giving me a headache.

" Els! You okay ! Stop it guys !" Lena kneels down before Ace scoops me in his arms .

" Clear this shit out between you two and then only either of you can come near her !" Rex says before we all leave two glaring boys out in the field .

" You proved your worth Queen Eloise !"

" I'm no Queen, but you're . Go manage your clan .we have a huge fight ahead of us . We can't keep fighting amongst us ."

She gave me a knowing sympathetic looks  but I ignored that walked away with my head up .

I can't be a weak bitch right now . My people need me .


Thank you

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