River (Heartache)

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“You ready for this?” asked the Alpha a he adjusted my shirt and did a final check to make sure everything was in order.

“I’ll try, Alpha.” I replied softly.

“I know you will.” He put his hands on my shoulder, making me stand completely still. “You’re a good boy, River. I know you’ll do you’re best,” he said with a smile. “The pack needs this union, though. Just by looking at him, I already know Trevor is destined to be very influentially in the werewolf society. He puts most Alpha’s in their place. So we need this bound with Midfield. It will keep us on good terms with them and be the best way to keep our alliance strong.”

“I’ll try,” I whispered, hugging my arms around me. 

Alpha patted my head before lifting my chin and making me looking at him. My eyes could only hold his gaze for a couple of seconds before I had to look away. 

“If this doesn’t work out, I’ll find you a mate somewhere else. I promise.”

I nodded, my nerves calming slightly.

“You’ve done everything I asked and you’re a very obedient boy, River. I’ll find your someone nice that will do a good job taking care of you. And when we return home, you’re going to stay with me. The last couple days your fur has never been brighter and I’m going to need it to stay that way if I’m to find you a mate. Alright?”

I gave him a small smile, and he let go of my chin. 

“Come on, let’s go eat.”

Food, actually good food, my mind yelled at me. For once, I actually not have to pick at bones and scavenge for a meal. Just the thought made me excited. I hadn’t felt the feeling of being full in years.

“Now remember,” said Alpha as we walked down the hall. “Don’t eat too much. You’ll be meeting with David and his father right after breakfast, and I don’t want you look like you gorged yourself. They’ll be examining your body, so we need to keep your slim figure looking that way.”

“Yes Alpha.” 

I followed him into a large room with a table stretching from one end to the other layered with different meats and other stuff I hadn’t seen before. Alpha motioned to a seat and we both sat down. David was already there. He glanced at me once before talking to the man sitting next to him. They looked very similar. 

“How are you Dean?” asked the Alpha, putting some food on my plate.

“Fine,” said the boy with dark brown hair. “Just excited to see who my little brother choses today.” He grabbed the back of David’s neck and shook him lightly.

Titus, Aden, and Trevor entered into the room and sat down. I felt like running when Titus took the seat on the other side of me. Trapped between the Alpha and his son had never been a good combination for me.  

They began to talk, but my nerves were boiling up in me again and I just stared at the food in front of me. I smelled so good, but I felt like I was going to throw up. Holding my stomach, I just bowed my head and waited until we could leave. Some much food and I couldn’t even calm down enough to taste some.

I glanced over at Titus to find Aden wrapped up in his arms. They looked so happy together.

 “I gave up all this already, so I could be with you. I love you Titus,” Aden said. “They could offer me all their money, and I’d still chose you.”

River: Book 2.5 (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now