River (Delayed)

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River (Delayed)

“Hmm… your hair smells good,” said Troy. “Did you use the stuff I bought you?”

I nodded, and played with a stand. “Do you like it?”

“I love it.” He kissed my head, and I let myself relax into him. “There’s going to be a lot of people here tonight. David also announcing his mate and issuing a claim.”

Sitting up, I put my hands in my lap. “Are you sure you want me?”

“Of course, River.” He pulled me back into his embrace. “I’ve decided on you the moment you walked through the door, and I saw this beautiful gold hair.” 

I smiled to myself and laid my head on his chest. “I’ll try really hard to be a good mate to you.”

“You’re perfect how you are.”

The door opened, and Carlos pocked his head inside. “We’re ready for you two. I already made the announcement to the guest.”

Troy stood and held out his hand. “Ready?”

“I guess,” I breathed, sliding my hand into his. I was caught off guard when he flung me into his chest and hugged me tightly. 

“No need to be nervous. I’ll be at your side the whole time.” Holding me close to him, he led me from the room, and we walked down the corridor to the banquet hall. David and the boy with white hair from before were standing there.

“So you did go for the blonde,” said David, eyeing me.

“Watch it,” growled Troy when I slipped behind him. “Your father stopped me from beating the shit out for making River cry last time. You wouldn’t be so lucky if you do it again.”

“My father is still the alpha,” retorted David.

“Not for long.” My future mate eyed the other male. “Trevor will be taking over, and he didn’t appreciate how you treated River since you knew I wanted him either.” 

David back down and squeezed the boy’s hand tightly, making him cringe.

“Who’s this?” asked Troy.

“Asher, what a really sub should look like.”

The boy was beautiful. Not only was his hair white, but he have pretty blue eyes and nice, soft features. He looked a lot better than me. 

“Maybe I don’t want a sub,” Troy pressed me into his side. “But a mate.”

The door opened, ending the conversation, and I held my breath at the number of people staring at us. I followed Troy inside, practically glued to his side. After stay clear of everyone back home, I didn’t do well in large gatherings. I really just want to get this over with, so I could be alone with Troy again. 

“My son and nephew would like to issue a claim on these two young wolves,” announced Carlos. “Does anyone object?” 

Both dominate males tensed up and searched the room for anyone that dare step forward. No one did, not that I expecting anyone to challenge Troy for me. Asher was the one they’d be fighting over, not me.

“Very well,” said Carlos. “David, Troy,” he nodded to each of the boys. “You may mark your mates.”

Troy grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I looked back at him as he kissed and licked my right shoulder. 

“It will only hurt for a minute, and then I will never hurt you again.”

I heard Asher’s scream and jumped back into Troy. David released the boy and began tending to the wound. A couple tears ran down Asher’s pale skin. 

River: Book 2.5 (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now