12- The moment...Make it come true

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Felix finally told his friends him and Chan were official, most the hospital staff knew as well.



"Do you guys make kinky heart surgeon jokes during sex?"

"What the?! Jinnie!"

"Oh wait I bet it's something like Chan you cummed in me so hard my heart pumps your cum instead of blood-"

"Ew Minho shut the fuck up!! You too Hyunjin!" Felix smacked both their arms.

"Ow! I was joking! But do you?~" Minho smirked.

"No we do not make jokes like that during sex you nasties! Ugh!" Felix scoffed.

"So you have boring sex? Wow..." Hyunjin pouted.

"Will you two hush! We don't! Chan and I, we-"

"We what?"

"Waah! Chan I told you to stop scaring me?!" Felix turned around seeing Chan right behind him.

"Hm? Sorry baby, didn't mean to" Chan teased kissing his cheek, hugging him from behind.

They have pet names already~" Minho teased.

"Do you have kinkier ones in bed too?" Hyunjin added.

"Ok goodbye!" Felix huffed blushing as he grabbed Chan pulling them away from the other two.

"Remind me how you met them...?" Chan asked laughing.

"I'd rather not...anyways. How are you Channie?" Felix pulled them in a corner, slipping his arms around Chan's neck.

"I'm better now that my little Lixie is here~
I missed you this morning when I woke up cutie" Chan teased back kissing him holding him close by his waist.

"I'm sorry Channie, Dr. Hye paged me really early" he pouted back kissing the older.

"Really for what?" The older giggled against his pink lips.

"Oh! You won't believe it Channie! The number one heart surgeon on board of Seoul is flying in to visit and do a heart replacement! It's Dr. Jihyo Park!" He smiled with excitement, Chan knew that name giving a small smile back.

"Wow...that's um really....great. It's just you observing with Dr. Hye...?" He asked quietly.

"Hm? Yup! The 3 of us!" He giggled, Chan gave a small nod looking down. Felix already could tell something was wrong.

"I'm really happy for you Lix..." Chan said with a small sigh.

"You don't sound too happy...is something wrong...?" Felix asked with more concern.

"I just wish...she asked me to join in too...that's kind of a once in a lifetime to do surgery with Dr. Park..." Chan said with some sadness.


Felix realized usually with their competitive side, If this was a few months ago The other would be gloating in the other person's face about such an opportunity.

But now since they were together, things were different. Including Chan trying to hide his jealousy that Felix got the opportunity and not him.

"Oh...Channie, um-"

"I-it's ok Lix, another opportunity will come for me. At least my beautiful boyfriend got it~" Chan said trying to sound more cheerful.

"Oh...And thank you Channie! Will you watch me?" He giggled.

"Oh you know I will, I can't wait~"


The day flew by and the time came for Felix's surgery with Dr. Park, Chan watching him from the observatory with other doctors and interns.

"Hey Chan! How come you're not in there?? I thought you were kinda better than Felix...?" Someone asked him.

"Chan! You should be doing that surgery too! That's strange they didn't include you..." someone else mentioned.

Chan politely just said next time hopefully, but it got him thinking about how he would get a thrill from competing with Felix...but now since they were together it wouldn't feel right to do that anymore. Worry it would cause strain on their relationship.

He couldn't get that thought out of his head, Felix noticing how quiet Chan was while they were on the couch watching TV together.



"What's wrong?"


"It's not nothing because we're watching that show you hate...you're not paying attention" Felix looked up to him, he was cuddled leaning against his chest holding Chan's hand.

"It's...nothing..." Chan sighed still looking at the screen, Felix sat up looking at Chan with worried eyes.

"Channie...if something is bothering you...tell me" Felix pleaded crawling into his lap wrapping his arms around his neck. The older gave a small smile kissing him softly holding his waist close to his own.

"*sigh* It was about today...with your surgery..."

"Mine...? What-"

"I'm jealous you got it and I didn't...there I said it. And now that I did I feel like a shitty boyfriend who should be supporting you, not getting competitive again" he sighed again looking down.

Felix listened carefully giving a nod.

"Chan...it's ok for you to feel like this. I'm not upset..." Felix cupped his cheeks kissing him.

"You're not...?"

"No, I mean if it were the other way around I would feel the same...but it's expected...we've been competing and at each other's throats for almost 10 years. It wont change just like that..." he joked a bit.

Chan started to smile kissing him back.

"That's true...you being competitive and feisty is cute too~"

"Oh? I thought you said this morning in the shower my ass was?" Felix teased back.

"Oh ya, you're right. And I need another reminder~"


The younger gave a small squeak as Chan picked him up pushing him on his back towering over him.

"Let me enjoy that cute ass again~"


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