Tom Marvolo Riddle

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A/N Snape made a potion that would make the user immune to the killing curse once so everyone who got hit by he killing curse is alive. (Unless they were a death eater) Aka I like everyone alive

Harry Potter POV
    "WHAAAAAT!" I screamed, I'm allowed to scream I just found out that the person who murdered my parents has a daughter, and a grandson. "Neither of them know of their heritage but Tom's grandson seems to be extremely powerful whilst Tom's daughter is a squib." Dumbledore said.

    When are we going to go kill him, there is no way that he isn't already a death eater. "Harry!" Hermione shrieked looking appalled. Oops, did I say that out loud? "I am going to offer him a place at Hogwarts even though he is 17." Dumbledore continued, completely ignoring my outburst.

    "Do we get the name of the boy by any chance?" Sirius said, his scowl told me that he didn't want the little snake to come to Hogwarts. Which I fully agreed with, he is going to murder me in my sleep. "Oh yes, I almost forgot, his name is Perseus Jackson." Dumbledore replied, what a weird name.

    I looked around and Snape had a funny look on his face "With all do respect headmaster, I think it is best if we leave Perseus and his friends alone." He said. "I agree with professor Snape sir." Mcgonagall said. "You just want to let the little death eater walk free?" I sneered, "Harry! Didn't you hear Dumbledore? He doesn't know of his heritage!" Hermione yelled before glaring at me.

    I shrunk back in my seat, but not because I'm ashamed. It's just that Hermione's glare is really, really, scary.

    "I will be leaving to retrieve the boy and anyone who wishes to join me can." Dumbledore said. "Headmaster, I really do think you should let the boy be." Snape said in an attempt to stop us, but we just continued to ignore him. Snape shook his head, and had obviously given up.

    "I'll go." I said standing up, Professor Lupin, Ron, and Hermione joined me.


Percy Jackson POV
    My day was going well, that is not supposed to happen. So, when Gandalf, mini me, and 3 other people came knocking on my door brandishing sticks like a weapon I can't say I was surprised.

    "Uh, can I help you?" I said, "Yes, we are looking for Perseus Jackson." Gandalf said pronouncing my name like per-say-us. This looks like its going to take a while.

    "Call me Percy. Anyway, do you want to come in Gandalf? Did I just call you Gandalf out loud? I definitely did. Or you could also be Santa but your not wearing the re- Sorry ADHD." I said "Anyway what are your name's?" I asked while leading them inside inside.

    "I'm Ron Weasley." Said a redheaded kid with freckles.

    "Hermione Granger."  Said a girl who reminded me of Annabeth despite looking nothing alike.

    "I like that name." I said, I have never heard of it but I like it. "Oi, thats my girlfriend!" Ron said before putting an arm around Hermione who was now as red as her boyfriends hair. "Ok, I just like the name. I've never heard it before and I think it's cool." I said before turning my attention back to others.

    "Harry... Potter." Mini me said pausing for effect. I guess he is famous or something.

    "OMG Harry Potter! I'm meeting the Harry Potter! Can I have your autograph!" I said jumping up and down. Harry smiled smugly, this is too good. "So you've heard of me." He said. "Nope. Never heard of you in my life you just look like you expected me too." I said with a grin. Harrys smirk turned into a frown before settling on a glare. His glare looks like a puppy compared to Annabeth's.

    "I'm Remus Lupin." A skinny adult said. There is something off about him I studied him for a it longer before I seeing that he is a werewolf, better be careful.

    "I'm Professor Dumbledore." Gandalf said, dumb-old-door... interesting name.

    "Okie, before you start I have a few questions." I said, "Continue." Dumb-old-door said.
    "One, are you here to kill me." I said earning some strange looks, "No.".
    "Okay two, did I get expelled from you school or something? You said your a professor." I said, "No."
    I was contemplating about asking why they had a werewolf with them it my instincts told me not to, and usually my instincts are right.

    "That's all, your turn for story time." I said, "This may come as a bit of a shock to you but, your a wizard." Dumb-old-door said. Ooooh, probably a prank from the Stolls, "Ok, anything else? I have a date and I don't want to be late." I said remembering my plans with Annabeth for that evening. Oh! That rhymed!

    All of the sudden mini me stood up and lights started shooting out of his stick in my direction. I swiftly dodged them and grabbed Harry's wand. "Guess this isn't a prank then." I said, while they were all gaping at me. "You just took Harry's wand!" Hermione yelled at me.

    "Well his arm was outstretched so he was practically begging for me to take it. He was also attacking me so what else was I supposed to do." I said in my usual happy tone before handing Harry's stick back. "Can you not use your sticks in here. My mom will kill me if I blow up the living room again." I said bluntly.

     "Again?" The werewolf asked raising an eyebrow (How do you even do that?). "Long stories." I replied, "Stories?" Hermione asked. "At least 10, but anyway you were saying?" I said. Annie would be so proud of me getting everyone back on track.

    "It starts with a boy named Tom Marvolo Riddle."

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