It's Dark and It's a mark

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Percy POV

"I knew it! YOUR A DEATH EATER!" He shrieked, "For the last time I don't eat death! That sounds gross." I said rubbing my temples. All his yelling is giving me a headache, "Then explain why you have the dark mark." Harry said with a smirk.

"The what?" I said, "Oh stop playing dumb." Harry snarled. "The Dark Mark! On your arm!". I glanced down at my brand, "I mean it's dark, and it's a mark. So sure Harley, whatever floats your boat." I said taking a bit out of the chicken. Mrs. Weasley was right, I'm starving. Now there is something I forgot to do. I heard Annabeth sigh beside me, "Percy would you mind showing them your forearm?" she said. I smacked my forehead "That's what I forgot." I held my arm out for everyone to see and rolled up my sleeve.

Everyone held their breath bracing themselves for whatever the hell the dark mark is but let it out as soon as I showed them. Except for the Sirius guy, he continued to hold his breath and paled considerably. Annabeth being the extremely observant person she is noticed this too and her eye's narrowed.

"See Harry, not the Dark Mark." Ginny said breaking the silence, "Well it must be the new one." Harry persisted. "Just give him a break! You said you would give him a chance!" Ron said glaring at Harry, Hermione just watched the exchange not sure what to do about the whole thing. "Its the new Dark Mark." Harry stubbornly insisted, "It's called a tattoo, they are quite common in America." I said not taking my eye's off the food.

There were a few moments of silence

"Are there spells we could perform on the tattoo to prove he's not trying to disguise the dark mark?" Hermione asked. "Come on! The tattoo isn't even on the right arm!" Ron yelled at his girlfriend. This shut Hermione up. "If you want you can do that magicy stuff on my arm after we eat." I said.

"And give you time to put more cloaking spells on your arm." Harry said, "I don't even have one of your magic sticks." I stated, continuing to eat my food. "Besides you would see him using the spells." Annabeth said, "I will test that after supper." The crazy eyed guy said. I think is name is Moody or something, I mean it fits.

Everyone hesitantly started eating, Moody must be an important person.

"So Annabeth." Remus said, "I overheard you talking with Ginny about how your a witch too. Why didn't you tell us earlier?" I turned to Annabeth for an explanation. "Yes, my father is a wizard and his magic was passed down to me." she said hesitantly. I will have to ask her about this later. "Really? You went to Ilvermonry then dear." Molly said.

"No. I was invited but my father denied." Annabeth said with a pained smile, Harry being the oblivious person he is didn't notice how Annabeth didn't want to continue talking about this. "Why didn't he let you go?" Harry asked, "I never had the best relationship with my father. I ran away when I was seven and didn't see him again until I was 12." Annabeth said stiffly. Annabeth's father has always been a sore topic for her.

"So, when do we go to Hogwarts?" I asked in an attempt to change the subject, "You and your father have a good relationship now right?" Harry asked concerned for Annabeth. I glared and Annabeth shifted toward me, "Yes, my relationship with my father is better now but I still live with Percy." She said.

Harry placed his hand on Annabeth's and I saw Annabeth grip tighten around her dagger "Harry's annoying and all, but I believe if you killed him it would be my fault." I said with a smirk. "Harry's face morphed into a confused look then his eye's widened when he saw the dagger.

"Thanks for supper Molly, that was delicious." I said with a smile before Harry could come up with another accusation, "Not a problem Perseu- Percy." Molly replied with a forced smile. I walked over to Moody. "Arm." He grunted, I help out my right arm and Moody waved his stick over it. "He wasn't lying. It's a regular tattoo." Moody said in his everlasting grumpy tone. I nodded.

"Well, I best be leaving now." Annabeth said, I gave her a look that said 'Pleaaaaaaaase don't leave me here.' but Annabeth ignored it. "You know I'm sure you could come to Hogwarts with us." Harry said, "You can stay here until we go!" he said walking closer to Annabeth. "No, I have a job in the muggle word that I enjoy." Annabeth declined politely. Though I could tell she was biting back some nasty insults.

"Are you sure Annabeth." Harry said with a smile, "Just leave her alone!" I snapped. "You leave her alone! I don't know what love spell you have her under but I'm going to break it!" Harry yelled. That's when Annabeth snapped. Annabeth punched Harry in the face, broke his nose, and knocked him out. The best part is no one moved to help him.

"What happened!" Hermione shrieked in the doorway, "I go to the bathroom for five minutes and this happens." She mumbled standing over Harry. "YOU." she said pointing at me coming toward me pulling her stick out, but Annabeth stepped in the way. "Me." She stated. Hermione glared at her and went back to healing Harry.

"Call me or mail me every week." Annabeth said, I could tell that there was an 'or else I will assume you are dead and send a search party for you' hidden in that statement. "Have fun, get good grades and ignore the idiot." Annabeth finished. I smirked, "Yes Mam." I said with a goofy salute.

Annabeth scanned the room and walked over to the other end of the kitchen where Sirius was trying to melt into his chair. "Take me to Percy's apartment." She said leaving no room for argument.

Rewrite:Percy Jackson into the Wizarding world | ON HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now