Chapter 19

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A month had passed since the accident, and no sign of Bella waking up and no one knew she had moved her finger a few days ago.

Eventually the doctors finally agreed on trying to take her out of coma, this time they succeeded, no seizures, no sign of something bad happening.

Olivia was the one in the room right now, everyone was either asleep or at the cafeteria eating, and she decided to stay with Bella for a moment.

'I miss you curly head. You proved your point, I can't live without you, in fact none of us can. You have no idea how Chris feels bad for being mean to you, how Joel misses you walking around the house you two shared, how Richard misses your advices and give his to you. How Erick misses you being a child with him and protecting him from us and Zabdiel, he is feeling guilty for letting you go. Damn Bella, that boy rushes to here the second he gets out of work, to be here for you when you wake up. Just, do it Bella, just wake up. That's all I'm asking for'

'Can you guys stop making fun of him? Hes not dumb, he just naive' Bella always protected Erick like a baby, like her baby and once she said that, the boy poked his head from behind her. In fact she was way smaller than him, but he still managed to feel safe behind her.

Richard got up and made a movement, like he was about to hit Erick, but in a playful way, which made the younger boy hug Bella with fear, only to realise that it was in a playful way and let go of her instantly.

'I take back my words' The green eyed boy got offended by what she said and let go of his friend, sitting on the couch pounting.

'C'mon, let's eat' Chris said as he tapped Erick's leg, getting up and grabbing the car keys.

The crack from the door opening, made Olivia look behind, seeing Bella's Mother entering the room.

'Hey sweetie' Olivia gave her a faint smile and turned to see Bella still asleep 'you want to go eat something?'

'No I'm good, Chris brought me something a while ago, before he went to sleep' Bella's mother sat on the other chair, next to Olivia. They both stood there quiet. Olivia had her thoughts a mess and she tried to understand most of the things that were happening right nowand Mrs. Ortega was reading a magazine, like she'sbeen doing these past weeks, waiting for her daughterto wake up.

'Hey babe'

Bella quickly turned over to see her boyfriend entering the kitchen.

'Hi baby' He gave her a kiss and rested his chin on the top of her head

'Have you talked to you parents already?' Bella let out a breath, like she was mad, it was the second time Zabdiel brought them up since they were together.

'I haven't and I honestly don't want to for a while'

'You're being stubborn you know, it has been years Bella,  you should put this behind your back before you regret it'

Maybe Zabdiel was right, maybe she was being a bit stubborn, so she decided to call them, not now, but once she finished making diner.

She was sitting in Zabdiel's bed, her phone in her hands and as he was taking a shower, she tried to call her mother. She fought herself to do so, but once she heard the door open, she put her phone away.

'Did you call them?'

'They didn't pick up' She lied, unintentionally, but she did. Those words came out of her mouth, without her even thinking of it.

'Don't worry, they will return the call'  She felt bad, for lying to him, she promised to tell him the truth, but not now, at least she thought that.

The machines were beeping in their normal state. She wasn't in an induced coma anymore, so she could wake up at anytime. It was only allowed for two people to be inside the room and right now the only ones were Bella's parents.

Her mother distracted with a book, and her father sleeping in a chair in the corner.

The light was too strong for her eyes, and she attempted to open them for, at least, the fourth time now. She tried to recall where she was and why, but everything was so confusing. She looked to her left side, seeing her father sleeping in a weird position,  and to her left seeing her mother. It was really her.

'Mom?' As Bella gained her senses, tears started to form in her eyes and her mother froze at the sound of her weak voice.

'Bellatrix? Dios mio! Arturo wake up!! Bella's awake' her mother got up while screaming and shaking the man in the chair, who got up immediately.

'What happened?' The girl asked with a weak voice, as she tried to sit, but she couldn't move her legs, they were too numb.

The door opened revealing her friends and brother. Luckily they were all still there. She looked around and examined all of their faces, stopping on the twins.

'Olivia,who are they?'



Another chapter is uuuuuup!


I just want to know who they will react to that cuz this just broke my heart 😭

Don't forget to comment and vote ❤



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