Chapter 8 - Attempting To Withhold (+ Harry's POV)

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A/N: I figured that Louis' day wasn't going to be interesting enough to write about it (just going to work and missing Harry a lot) so this is mainly Harry's POV. Thanks for reading :)

Louis woke up with an aching feeling on his back. He had remembered how hard he slammed onto the floor when they crazy man at the bar punched Zayn, making them both fall. After taking pain killers, he checked his cellphone in hope to see a text from Harry, which he did.

Good morning boobear :) text me when you wake. Xx

Louis started typing.

Haz! Good morning love x. you won’t believe what happened to me and my friend Zayn yesterday. He got incredibly drunk and got into a fight at a bar!

Louis was extremely tired. He fell asleep way too late last night and was in need of caffeine. He didn’t even bother going to get some coffee that morning because Harry wasn’t going to be there. So he made it himself. His phone buzzed.

Thats mad! Well I hope hes alright x. you didnt get hurt did you?

No babe but thanks for worrying! :) I’ll text you late i’ve got to drive to work. Love you xx

Louis hates texting while driving due to the dangers of it. But he couldn’t help himself once his boyfriend texted back.

Love you more lou. Xxx


Love you more lou. Xxx

Harry sent his last text to his boyfriend and put his cellphone down on the table. He turned to see his mum resting on the bed reading a fashion magazine.

“Mum, after you receive the antitoxin, will you be much better? Enough to go back home?” Harry tried to sound careless and cold. He didn’t want his mum to notice the worry he was putting up with.

“Yes baby….” She took a long pause, “and hopefully I’ll breathe much better also” she whispered.

After noticing Harry’s teary eyes, she smiled “Don’t worry honey, I can breather fine right now.” Harry moved closer to her going for a hug. She playfully messed up his luscious curls. “Hey!” Harry laughed. They moved back into a long, meaningful hug.

“I love you mum.”

“I love you too darling. Very much…” She pulled away and looked at him in awe. “Thank you for staying by my side. I know you didn’t want to leave your girlfriend.

“Mum, it’s my pleasure! I will always want to come and stay by your side with whatever you’re going thr—wait, what?!” Harry looked down and shook his head in disappointment. His mum kept bugging him about having a girlfriend ever since she noticed him texting often.

“I’m your mum, Harry. And I’m not a stupid one either!” She laughed. “Just tell me about her. You’re an eighteen-year-old lad. I’m not going to keep you from dating.”

Just wait until you find out it’s a he and not a she.” Harry thought. He knew his mum wouldn’t be angry at him for being interested in men. Well, technically, not just men in general. Just Louis. Only Louis. But still, he wasn’t ready to tell his mum about his recently discovered sexuality.

“Well mum, she’s definitely an interesting person.” Harry smiled.

“Oh gosh, Harry! Tell me more for goodness’ sake!” Harry wasn’t sure wether Anne was being serious or she was just teasing.

“Well, she loves to read. Isn’t that lovely? And she loves all my favorite bands. She can’t cook. See, I find that adorable because then I can teach hi—her.” Harry caught himself.

“She can’t cook?! Well you better teach her, Harold.” She laughed. “What’s she like? Any good features? I’m sure she’s beautiful.”

“He has blue eyes that remind me of the sea, mum. Just beautiful.” Harry was actually staring into space. Then he noticed what he had just said.

Oh bummer.” He thought to himself, “Hopefully she won’t notice.”

“What’s his name?”


After an awkward pause, Anne finally spoke again. “So she’s actually a he? And don’t bother lying to me.”

“Well…. Yes. He’s a bloke, mum. But I really love him I hope you can accept me I—“ Harry covered his face and started crying. He could feel his throat tighten and couldn’t help but to make horrid choking sounds and the tears covered his hands.

“Honey don’t cry.” His mother soothed. “It’s a phase that most teenagers go through. Nothing to be ashamed about, babe. I kissed a girl once when I was a teenager.”

“No!” Harry shouted, soon feeling sorry for shouting at his ill mother. His voice soon changed and he responded softly. “Mum, I love him. This is not a phase. It feels stronger than it did with any female..” Harry wished he could be more careful of what he says. This is why he wasn’t ready to tell his mum. She thought it was a phase.I’m sure that when you feel like you would risk your life for another person it’s way more than just a bloody phase.” Harry thought to himself.

“Honey, think about this deeper. I’m sure it’s a phase. You’re Harry Styles. Opposite sex attraction runs in your blood!” She laughed, trying to cheer him up. But he wasn’t cheered at all.

Harry and Anne both jumped when the doctor walked in with the equipment needed to inject the needle into her. The antitoxin is used to relieve diphtheria and calm all the symptoms.

“Well, here we go” The doctor said with a smile. 

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