Chapter 6

203 11 6

Edited 11/5/2015

“Um, thank you, so do you. Handsome, I mean. You look handsome Niall,” open mouth insert foot. Great, starting tonight off on the right foot I see.  By now my blush must be the color of a red crayon on my cheeks. Niall walks towards me and pulls me out of the elevator before the doors close again.

“Thanks, babe. This is for you,” as he hands me the white rose. It is beautiful and smells so good.

“Thanks, where are we going? Is what I am wearing okay? I wasn’t sure how I should dress for tonight.” And now I am babbling.

“You're perfect. Where we are going is a surprise. In fact, I have an addition to this lovely outfit of yours,” he says, pulling a red silk blindfold out of his pocket. He has a mischievous look in his eyes that tells me tonight will be fun. Hopefully not fifty shades kind of fun, I am so not ready for that yet.

He steps behind me and ties the blindfold over my eyes gently, his hands lingering just behind my ear against my neck. Oh it sends tingles down my spine, hopefully he didn’t notice my shiver.

“This way love, I will be your eyes,” and I can hear his smile as he takes my hand, leading me out the doors. It’s raining now, it wasn’t a few hours ago. It will be hard to get used to the weather here. “Alright, I am going to lift you into the car so you don’t fall,” he let go of my hand and swung me up into his arms with ease. Show off. I must have cheesy grin on my face right now. He has put me down on a leather seat and shut the door. After a moment I hear him open the opposite door and climb in beside me.

“You ready, babe?” he asks, pulling me close to him and putting his arm around me. He squeezes me to him ever so lightly. I love this.

“Yes. I am nervous though,” I admit.

“Why are you nervous? You can trust me,” I can hear the worry in his voice.

“I am only nervous because I don’t know what to expect, Niall. I don’t usually enjoy surprises,” I reply.

“I hope you like it,” he whispers more to himself than to me. “I’ve never taken anyone where I am taking you. I wanted to take you somewhere special since you aren't from here. Also it happens to be somewhere I can be myself for the night, not the me I have to be in public.”

“Do you not get to be yourself often?”

“Almost never. I am expected to act a certain way when ever I go out. Wouldn't want to get papped doing the wrong thing, last thing I need is an actual scandal. The fake ones they write about my band and I are enough.” I can almost imagine the heartbreaking sad look that must be on his face.

"Well I will never judge you for being yourself so long as you don't judge me for how awkard I am,” I say with access soft chuckle, trying to ease his tension.

“Fair enough. We are here,” and his tone has made a complete one-eighty from sad to excited. I can feel him untying my blindfold, finally he is going to let me see. I open my eyes and am almost nose to nose with Niall.

“Oh, hello,” I say, flashing him a shy smile. Next thing I know, his lips are on mine, molding them perfectly to his for the second time in so many days. And it is over too soon.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist babe, hope you don't mind” he says through his dazzling grin. He hops out of the car, umbrella in hand, and comes around to open my door. Holding his hand out for me, he helps me to the sidewalk. We are in front of a building with a giant green dome. He ushers me to the door, opening it for me once again and a sign on the wall reads “Planetarium.” What are we going to do here?

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