Chapter 1

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It was a normal day at Hollywood Arts. Except for Jade...

She was in the morning at a ladies doctor and now she went back to school. Today were exactly two months since she and beck broke up. It still hurt her so much. She still loved him.

It was almost lunchtime so she decided to go to the cafeteria and get some food before all others come up.

Jades POV:

I got me a salad and an cup full of coffee and I just sat there stabing with my plastic fork in my salad. I'm not really hungry..

I just stared at that picture the ladies doctor gave me this morning. Tears forming in my eyes and I thought that can't be true. I can't be pregnant.


Beck and I were fighting over something stupid. Then all of a sudden he said to me 'I love you but I can't take this anymore, we're constantly fighting, I'm tired of this.'
I looked at him sadness all over my face.
He took my head into his hands and pulls me in da deep kiss. I kiss immediately back and it just turns into a make out session.
I take his shirt off and kiss down his neck. He moans lightly and push me towards the walls of his RV.
One thing led to another and it just happend.

Flashback end.

The next day we broke up.

Toris POV:

The bell was ringing so lunchtime yaay.
André, Cat and I are going to get some food it's just the three of us.

Robbie wanted to show Beck the new car he got.

I saw Jade sitting there alone and looking miserable. I saw the sadness and the concern all over her face so I told André and Cat to come along.

'Hey' I said to Jade.

'Jadey, hey Jade' said André and Cat at the same time.

She paniced and shoved a picture in her backpack before she looked up to us.

'Hi' she said sadness in her voice.

Jades POV:

'Great' I thought now all of them noticed that I was hiding something from them.

'What?' I snapped at them noticing they looked at me like I was hit by a bus.

'Nothing, just sitting here with you.' Tori then said.

'Why, please tell me why I would like that you guys sit with me.' I said annoyed.

'Cause, cause you look incredible hurt Jade.' Tori said again.

'She's right Jade, somethings up with you lately. I noticed that too.' André said.

'Me too.' said Cat and looked concerned at me.

I looked back at them and suddenly I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

They start to stream down my cheeks and Tori immediately takes the seat right next to me and started to rubbing my back.

I never cried in front of my friends but it somehow felt good letting it out to them.

Tori asked me still rubbing my back 'what's wrong with you? You never cry Jade.'

Cat rushed over to me and kneelt down to my knees and patted them and André took the other seat on my left side right next to me.

I started sobbing now and took the picture out of my bag and showed them.

They gasped. They don't really know what so say now.

'Oh my God, Jadey.' Cat squealed 'Who is the father?'

'shhhs' Tori and André sushed her.

'You can think of it.' I said in tears.

'It's beck, isn't he?' André asked.

I just nodded and hear a fimiliar voice.

'Hey guys.' I hear Robbie say.
'He- Jade what's wrong?' then Beck asked.

Great now he sees me like this I should leave.

'Nothing.' I snapped trough my tears and stood up and started to leave.
Beck takes my wrist and turned me to face him.

'Jade, I obviously can see that something is definitely wrong with you.' he said concerning.
God, he's such a jerk.

'Nothing is wrong with me.' I was yelling now and stormed off.

He can't know now.

First chapter done yay.
It was fun writing and sorry for some Grammers English is not my first language.
What do you think about?
Should I go on?

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