Chapter 1 (The Necklace)

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The Necklace
(Chapter 1)

Your POV:

I was at home, rewatching My Hero Academia. It was one of my favorite shows or it already is my favorite.

I watched anime, because I didn't have a good relationship with any of my family members. Favoritism, Mental Abuse, and more. Well, maybe not that far, but they tell me words that stab me in the heart.

'Why did you get a bad score?!'
'Can't you be responsible?!'
'Be more like your sister!'
'You make me so tired'
'Back then, I was smart so why aren't you?!'

These we're just some of them. I just wish that they would appreciate my achievements more.

I've achieved multiple things in life and yet, they don't seem to care at all. Back to the topic, aside from MHA, I watch other anime too.

I only had a few friends at my school since I was a person that isn't really that social.

Sometimes, I wonder what the meaning of life is. I feel like a burden all the time, it hurts...

Anxiety, depression, fear, unease, cuts, scars... These we're common in our world. Our world can be cruel sometimes, or all the time.

People shouldn't feel like this. They should feel happy and be cared properly. Giving them hurtful words, can lead to suicide.

I decided to go out for a bit and brought my money to see if I could buy something along the way. After walking for awhile, clearing my head, I saw a weird old shop. I decided to check it out.

I went inside, seeing an old lady fixing her displays. "Welcome! Is there anything you'd like miss?" the old lady asked nicely.

"Oh, uhm... I just came here to see if I could buy something" I said while looking around the place. Then I realized, I was in a vintage store.

While looking around, one caught my eye. A necklace, with a large green jewel.

 A necklace, with a large green jewel

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The green jewel looked... Magical. I went closer and looked at it, seeing the jewel shine so brightly.

"Are you interested in that necklace?" the old lady asked while I was still astonished by the necklace. I nodded in response.

"What's it called?"
"Emerald Teardrop"

My eyes looked at the lady, then back at the necklace. "It is said that, this is an enchanted necklace. Everyone was scared of getting close to it, but some are too attracted to it's jewel. This necklace is now forgotten since it stayed here for so long" she explained.

"How much is it?" I asked the old lady. "I'll give it to you free" she said while my eyes widened.

"But it's enchanted! Shouldn't it be expensive?!" I asked slightly raising my voice. "Indeed, you are right. But, no one has seen or touched this jewel. You're the only one who did so. So please, take it free" she said, putting the necklace around my neck.

I looked at it, it was wonderful. "Thank you so much for your kindness" I said bowing my head slightly. "No problem, take care young one" she said while I exited her place.

Today, was surely strange. I didn't think I'd get a enchanted necklace for free. I pinched myself to see if I wasn't dreaming.

"Ow! Okay, I am not dreaming" I told myself. Slowly walked back home, walking through the warm evening.

Walking around, I saw some anime merch. 'I wish I could buy some. There's no way they would buy me at least one' I thought. Even if I had money, it wasn't enough to buy one.

Speaking of which, the old lady said the necklace was enchanted. What does it do exactly? Why we're people afraid of it? I had many questions in mind, unanswered.

When I arrived home, all I could hear is screaming. "OI Y/N! WHERE DID YOU GO OUT SO LATE?!" my mother shouted. "I just went out to get some fresh air" I said rushing up stairs. "HEY! GET BACK HERE! I'M NOT DONE SPEAKING TO YOU YET YOUNG LADY!"

I slammed the door and flopped on my bed. 'When will the screaming end?!' I screamed inside my head. I grabbed my headphone and went to Youtube. I checked my notifications and saw Yagami Yato posted a new video just now.

I clicked on the video, seeing a Katsuki Bakugo 18+ audio. I quickly skipped to somewhere 30 minutes into the video and made the time stamp for the sammich part.

I know it's weird but a lot of people do it. After listening to the whole audio, I finally let go of my phone, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

The Next Day...

I slowly opened my eyes, but clouds we're passing by. My eyes widened in surprise and shock as I sit up looking around, confused to how I got here. 'w-where am I?!'

To be continued...

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