Short Epilogue + Extra scene

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(This is just a short epilogue of what happened after she left and stayed there)

Y/n and Bakugo ended up dating and became pro heroes when they graduated and they're classmates too.

Her parents had another child but made sure to treat this child right.

Midoriya became the number 1 hero and of course, Bakugo was a little salty about it.

Y/n and Bakugo ended up getting married.

---------------------Extra scene--------------------

Your POV:

"Eek! You're finally getting married Y/n!" Uraraka said as Mina fangirled.

"Eek! You're finally getting married Y/n!" Uraraka said as Mina fangirled

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I decided to make them my bridesmaids for my wedding with Katsuki.

I was extremely nervous but excited to be with Katsuki's side forever. I already met his parents and they immediately gave the blessing.

He proposed to me at the beach on where we shared our first kiss together except there was rose petals in shaped of a heart as he stand inside the heart.

I smiled at the thought as I heard the girls calling me that it was time. My heart was beating so fast.

'It's alright, calm yourself Y/n. Today is the day' I thought and took the bouquet of my favorite flowers.

The door opened, revealing people staring at me as I walked down the aisle. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me in awe as I looked at Katsuki with a small smile on his face with red blushing cheeks.

 I felt a pair of eyes staring at me in awe as I looked at Katsuki with a small smile on his face with red blushing cheeks

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When I arrived next to him, the priest started saying a few words until it was time for our vows.

"Y/n, you've been my first love and my first kiss. I love everything about you and you're perfect in my eyes. I'm glad I got to know you and made memories with you. I vow that I'll always be by you're side and protect you with my life. I won't lose you to anyone. I love you... Y/n"

He said as tears formed on my eyes as I tried to stop. Next was my turn.

"I just wanna say thank you for everything and I'm glad to be standing with you here and I will stand with you until we die, until we're ghosts. I don't wanna leave you and I love you so much. I vow to stay by you're side and always help you with you're problems. I love you too... Katsuki"

I said puffing his cheeks slight with a huge blush on his face. He added the ring on my finger as I did to his.

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest said as Katsuki raised my veil and kissed as I kissed back.

He took my hand as we ran out of the church and took us into a rented a white limousine.

Small time skip...

We we're eating the food and it was time to cut the wedding cake.

We we're eating the food and it was time to cut the wedding cake

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Katsuki fed me a piece as I did the same.

The song in the background started to play as we started slow dancing while others we're also on the dance floor.

It was time to throw the bouquet and the one who caught it was...

Uraraka! The thing is, Midoriya and Uraraka we're dating and it seems that they'll make a good wedded couple.

"E-eh?!" Uraraka blushed crimson red. "Hey, Uraraka? You might wanna turn around" I said and there revealed Midoriya kneeling down with a ring box and inside a ring.

Let's just say you knew how it went out. Of course she accepted. "You guys are all invited to ours" Uraraka said while Midoriya was blushing from embarrassment.

A few years later...

"And that is how I met you're father" I said.

"Oi you two" Katsuki said while putting the other one over his shoulder and the other one was being carried by him.

"Dad! You're back" The girl said named Akuna Bakugo. "Yay! You're back!" The other one said named Kai Bakugo.

"Hehe, welcome back honey. How was work?" I asked. "It was fine. I was able to beat up some villain's asses" he said as I scolded him for saying that in front of the children.

"Anyway, you two need to go to sleep"
"Aww, but we want to know more!"
"Yeah! Just like how you make children"

Kai said. "I'll tell you once you're both older okay? Now go to bed" I said as me and Katsuki tucked the children to bed. Me and Katsuki went to the couch and watched a movie together as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Heh, this looks just like on how we met" he said. "Hm, memories. Love you~" I teased as he pecked my lips.

"Love you too... Y/n"

The Real Ending...


So that's it guys. I hope this book was good and I'm sorry if it was very trashy. Though I did enjoy writing this book a lot and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

I also apologize if Bakugo seems OOC (OUT OF CHARACTER), I just wanted to show that he genuinely cares about the reader. If you guys haven't read my Shoyo Todoroki x Reader, make sure to check it out if you're looking for more books to read.

The next book I'll be making now is a hunter x hunter one so if you'd like to see, follow me so you'd be notified. Bye!💖💕💞♥️❤️

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