Chapter 35 (Wakatoshi POV)

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((Since today is Wakatoshi's birthday I decided to write something for it (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑   Chapter 35 is as close as we got to celebrating his birthday in Tutor, so I thought it might be a nice idea to rewrite the chapter from his point of view. 

So without further ado: Happy Birthday Wakatoshi! (*'∀')ハ┌iiiiii┐ハ('∀'*)  ))

Wakatoshi watched as Hyakuzawa's spike was received and came flying back over the net. He stood next to the line to receive it if necessary, but the ball landed way out of bounds. Before the match was properly whistled to an end his team had already gone up to each other to celebrate.

He gave Hyakuzawa a congratulatory pat on the back and was ready to receive the high five he knew Nishinoya would be dishing out. With Oikawa, he exchanged the usual glances and more high fives and fist bumps followed with the rest of the team.

Not unexpectedly Tendou also made his way onto the court together with the coaches and other staff. What he hadn't expected was to glance at your seat and find it empty. He looked around trying to find you, but to no avail.

"She went to take a seat in the stands apparently, all the commotion must be a bit overwhelming for her." Tendou told him, guessing his thoughts as happened so often.

He nodded at his friend but couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. Here he was, after just having won a world cup, and he was feeling disappointed. He was amazed still at the effect you had on him, but it wasn't as if he disliked it.

It made him feel good that he had wanted to be the one to score the winning point to impress you. He liked that he had wanted you there with him to celebrate. He liked that the circumstances made everything so clear for him.

It was very obvious to him that he wanted to spend more time with you than anyone else and that gave him the determination to tell you before he left. He wanted to make use of this unique opportunity to let you know that he cared for you and wanted you to keep in touch, even though he didn't really need you to tutor him anymore.

And who knows, if you were able to meet up again in the future he might ask you if you wanted more than to just be friends.

All through the award ceremony, he looked for you in the crowd, and when he finally did spot you his heart found peace again.

He had no idea how someone he had only met barely more than a week ago in real life could have such an effect on him, but you did.

After showering and getting changed he noticed that you had sent him a congratulatory message which made him lift the corners of his mouth. That is, until Oikawa's voice made them drop again.

"Aww, sensei-chan is so sweet sending me 'congratulations'." He was pretty sure the setter had raised his voice on purpose, just to get to him, and he hated that it worked.

"Ooh! Did you get one too Ushjima? I want it as well!!" Nishinoya called out in his loud voice as he took a peek at Wakatoshi's smartphone. "I feel left out! Hey! Maybe I can visit her country next year!"

That last thing made him tense up. "You should really reconsider." He told Nishinoya for what felt like the hundredth time already. He had trouble coming to terms with the fact that the talented libero was giving up on his volleyball career just like that.

Even though he had the feeling that he had been nagging Noya more than anything, the response he got was as good-natured as ever. "I know, and I appreciate it. But I'm satisfied, especially now that we're the world champions! It's time for me to move on to something else."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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