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As Roxanne listened to "Touch the sky" on the bus,Ava was waiting at school with her roller-skates and Connor with his roller-blades. "That silly girl is always late."said Ava really annoyed. "I'm sure she isn't gonna be late this time."Connor said really amused. "Hey guys!"said Kai,His skirt bouncing as he ran to them. "O-Oh h-hey,K-K-Kai."stammered Connor. "I AM SO WET!"yelled Arthur.He was the need of the school.Connor knew that Blaze(People that know him a lot can call him Ace.)had a crush on him. "HYAH!"said Blaze breaking the fence. "Sup' guys."Blaze said. "Hey Ace!"waved Arthur. 'Arthur looks so cute today I wish he was mine and only mine and he only wore maid dresses for me.'thought Blaze. 'I wish Kai was mine.'thought Connor. "I'M HERE SORRY IF I AM LATE!"said Roxanne having fraps in her arms enough for all them. "Am I the last one?"asked Roxanne as she sipped her frap. "Nope Bailey isn't here yet."said Ava. "Yeah she is sorta gonna skip today until lunch."Blaze answered.Arthur made a cute face while he was sipping his frap.Blaze blushed and looked away from him.He thought of the dream he had last night.

Blazes' dream:

Ah~Ahh~AHHHHHHHHH~"moaned Arthur as Blaze went fully inside him. "Your arse is so amazing.I wonder if it tastes good as it looks."said Blaze.He licked it.

End bc there are children

Arthur might have had the same dream.He woke up really sore.

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