55. Hero - I'm keeping the ring. .

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"So, are you two done with irritating each other?" Anna asks. Her tone is soft, but firm, she means business.

Jo starts to laugh, "Never."

I shake my head, but I can't help to smirk. I'll take it. I prefer the teasing Jo over the angry Jo at any given day. She is going to give me shit for a while, and I didn't expect anything different. She can be such a little bitch sometimes. Now she sits neatly on the couch with her legs crossed, nodding to everything Anna says but the war isn't over, far from it.

"I don't get what the problem is?" Anna asks.

"You mean between me and Hero?" Jo asks back as if she doesn't know what Anna means.

"Yeah. Are there any more issues I should know about?" Anna questions. Jo giggles like she always does whenever she's nervous.

"No, just checking. I'm sorry."

"We have two more countries to visit. I am not worried you'll don't pull through, but I am slightly nervous about what will happen after the tour." Anna says, and with good reason.

I'll take the lead since Jo doesn't, "We've been struggling, just like every other couple does sometimes but not all couples deal with the same issues we have to deal with." I explain, and as I look to Jo for some kind of consent, I see she's pressing her lips. Clearly annoyed by what I just said to Anna.

"Do you want to add something?" I ask Jo.

She is battling about what she wants to say, "Well." She stutters. Both me and Anna are peering at her with curiosity.

"Maybe you should explain why we are struggling?" She snaps. I love this woman, but fuck, there are days she annoys the life out of me. Apparently, today is such a day.

Sure Jo, call the papers while you're at it, "Yeah? You think Anna should know about our issues? Isn't that private?" I snap.

"I do." She states.

"Well, I don't." I bark back as I watch Anna have a nervous breakdown.

"Don't be so defensive. It is because of you that we have these issues, remember?" Jo raises her brows at me. Yes, I remember Josephine, and if not, you will remind me.

"Stop, please," Anna commands with her eyes shut, rubbing her temples.

"I don't need to know what's going on, but if you continue this downwards spiral, I'll call both your managers." Anna barks, pointing her finger at us.

"If you two being together doesn't work out then you both have a big problem, like a real problem so, solve the teenage shit you are going through." She continues her lecture.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to force you to stay together so if you decide to separate, then please go on about it in a civil way. Please." Anna sighs while Jo and I look at each other confused. Yes, we bicker but really breaking up is something else. And yes we had a few shitty weeks but to actually separate, I didn't give it that much thought. Jo tried a few times, but it was never an option for me and also not for Jo, I'm sure. Even in the midst of a fight, I want to pull her towards me to cuddle so no, breaking up is not an option.

"We are not breaking up," Jo says,

"Then what?" Anna questions, rubbing her temples with such force I'm afraid she'll blow up in a minute.

"Have we ever gotten you into trouble? No. We have kept all the promises and never did anything to jeopardise the franchise. And as a matter of fact, all we have done is create more exposure to the movie by being us, Josephine and Hero. So give us some slack." I tell her as open my arms for Jo, who immediately slides over to my side and hooks her arm around mine.

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