Beauty In Simple Things

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I present to you the first one-shot: On One Knee

Katara wiped the sweat off her brow and turned to Suki who did the same thing. They had been working in the garden in Suki’s yard for a couple of hours under the hot sun. Finally they mutually decided it was time to stop for a drink of cold water in the house.

            “So, how are things with you and Sokka?” She asked before eagerly taking a drink of water. Suki sat across from her at the kitchen table, smiling as soon as Sokka’s name was said. They had been married almost four years.

            “Things are going well. We think we might be moving to the City soon because he was offered a job as the Southern Water Tribe representative in the Council.”

            Katara nodded. “So, do you think Koda will adjust if you move?”

            Koda was her nephew named for her father. He was two-years-old and showed resemblance to Suki more than Sokka. He sat in the next room with a toy badger-mole.

            “I think he’ll be okay. He most likely won’t actually remember living here as he grows older.” Suki stated, smiling at her son.

            Katara watched him too, reminding her of her own longing for a child. She and Aang really hadn’t discussed it all that much. That was okay because there were a million other things to worry about.

            “What about you and Aang?” Suki broke the silence.

            “We are doing just fine.” She Katara answered brightly as she watched Koda‘s attempt to stand up quickly fail. There was his resemblance to Sokka: clumsiness.

            “You have a date tonight, correct?”

            “Yes, he should be here by sunset.”


            Aang had told Katara that he was overseeing the rebuilding of the Southern Airtemple. A little white lie it was. Just a little lie. In actuality, he was in the Southern Water Tribe. A few months back he had made a traditional betrothal necklace. Today he would ask Hakoda for his blessing to marry his daughter. Just recently passing his eighteenth birthday, Aang finally felt ready. He loved Katara and he wanted to prove it.

            As he approached the Chief’s hut, his heart dropped into his stomach with nervousness. He could deliver speeches in front of elected officials, so why was this so nerve-racking to ask for Hakoda’s blessing?

            He took a deep breath and pushed back the leather door. Hakoda stood as Aang entered as a sign of respect.

            “Avatar Aang.” The Chief said smiling, “What brings you here?”

            Aang bowed and they sat. “Sir, I have come here to ask a very important question.” Hakoda’s face was stern. Maintaining eye contact was a struggle. “I have loved Katara since the day I met her…” he started. “She is the most beautiful, intelligent, wonderful girl I have ever met.” He reached into the folds of his clothing and pulled out the betrothal necklace. “Sir, I’d like to spend the rest of my life with her. I’d like to spend my life protecting her and cherishing her. I’d like to have your blessing, Chief Hakoda, to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage.”

            Hakoda’s stern look turned into a beaming smile. He reached out and shook the Avatar’s hand. “I’m honored Aang, you have my blessing.”


            As sunset approached, Katara sat on the porch in her best dress, bouncing Koda on her knee. It had taken her a good forty-five minutes to get completely ready. Usually getting ready would not be such an ordeal, but something told her tonight was special. She wasn’t exactly sure why she thought tonight was special. Women’s intuition she guessed.

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