You Don't Support Me, pt. 1

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"Alright, Team! The time has come! We have been overlooked long enough! Today is the day I make my push for Class A!"

"Yes, President!"


"We believe in you, President Fubuki!"

"Hey, can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to watch Super Sentai Troopers."

Saitama rolled over to face them; it was a normal weekday and he was laying on his side in his own living room watching one of his favorite super hero programs on TV. He wore a simple pair of pajama bottoms but occupying the rest of the living room was the elegantly-dressed Fubuki, whom was holding a cramped meeting with the rest of the Blizzard Group. They had a whiteboard, markers, props and everything.

Eyelashes leapt up and faced him. "Now is not the time for TV! This is important! The president needs your help! And aren't you too old for kiddy shows?!"

"And put on a shirt!" Mountain Ape called out. "Nobody wants to see your nipples!" Saitama was indeed shirtless.

Fubuki addressed him. "Eyelashes, apologize. That is your vice president."

Eyelashes mumbled an apology.

Fubuki then rose her head to call on Saitama. "Now, Vice President Saitama. Do you have any suggestions on how to accomplish this?"

There was no answer.

"Because as the Blizzard Group's honorary Class A member, we could benefit from your insight."

Still there was no answer. In fact, Saitama laughed at a joke the Red Sentai Trooper made.

"Saitama!" Fubuki shouted.

"I've had it!" The tailor-suited brute Mountain Ape leapt right behind Saitama. "You've disrespected President Fubuki for the last time! Today is the day I put you in your place, Baldy! Enough!" He kneeled down, reached over Saitama to grab the remote control and turned off the TV.

Saitama immediately turned over and punched Mountain Ape lazily and sent him flying from the living room into the kitchen where he crashed into and became embedded in the refrigerator.

"Woaah!" Lily cried out as she and all the other barely managed to jump out of the way to dodge Mountain Ape's flying body.

A millisecond after the crash, Fubuki reached out and telekinetically forced Saitama down hard on his face with a telltale green aura enveloping them both.


"Until next time, Team!" Fubuki said to them for a farewell.

"Hai!" They said in unison meaning, yes. They bowed to her and orderly left the apartment.

"Should we really leave Ape behind?" asked Lily

"Ehh, he'll be fine" answered Eyelashes. "The President will care for him."

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