Who's That Guy?, pt. 1

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"How is she, doctor?" Fubuki asked Doctor Kuseno in his lab. He was watching over a comatose Psykos per her request. The powerful esper was hooked up to a machine that monitored her vitals and injected her periodically with vitamins, nutrients and fluids.

"Her vitals are all normal" he told her. He scratched his lined face and shook his head.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, I don't usually deal with ... fully fleshy things ... you see ... so perhaps I'm not the best person for this ..."

"What is it, doctor?"

He sighed. "There's nothing physically wrong with her. Frankly, she shouldn't be in a coma. The whole thing worries me."

She sighed as well and looked over her former best friend. Psykos was a pretty esper with a similar build to herself except her natural hair was a bright, flowing green color and she normally wore glasses for her bad eyesight. Still, since the fall of the Monster's Association and Tatsumaki's failed attempt on her life, she had fallen comatose.

"No" Fubuki told him. "Her issues are all mental. Thank you, doctor. Do call us if there are any issues."

She left his lab in a bit of a hurry. Being around his workplace full of cyborg parts sort of freaked her out. She passed by the two guards she posted, two suit-wearing members of her Blizzard Group. They both bowed as she passed them.

"Miss President!"

"Good day to you, Miss President!"

"Gentlemen" she responded. "Keep up the good work."

"Hai!" they both answered from the bow.

She waved to them and stepped into her waiting limo after her driver opened the door for her. She didn't speak in the car; she only wistfully looked out of the window. When they arrived to the complex, they saw an odd thing in front of the place.

"What the-" she started.

A crowd of Metal Knight's security bots meant to deal with Demon-Level threats were laid to rest in a heap before the gates. Above them were two shadowy forms: one bright silver and one black. They continuously danced through and over each other to the point to where it hurt her eyes to look at them.

The two of them in the car stared in bewilderment. Then Fubuki shook her head and composed herself.

She opened her door.

"Miss Fubuki!" the driver shouted. "Hold on! It isn't safe!"

She looked back. "I'll be fine. I'll call you if I need you." She shut the door behind her.

"Miss Fuuubuuuki!"

She sighed, straightened the purse on her shoulder and continued on. She began whistling to herself and only shook a little bit from fear as she stepped over the robot pieces and under the combating flashes in the air. She had just made it to the gate when somebody called out to her from behind.

"Hey, B class!"

She paused and slowly turned around.

It was one of the combatants; S Class, Rank 14 hero Flashy Flash, a ninja for justice and the fastest of those in the S Class. He wore his usual white cape over his light blue garb and more physically resembled a pretty female than the powerful man he was.

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