You Don't Support Me, pt. 2

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Fubuki was moving her cart closer to the front of the line while some of those in front of her abandoned their spots to see Genos. She was just minding her business so she didn't notice the bright cones of light flashing down on people to her right. She looked down at her cart.

"I wonder if Saitama will bring any steak."

"I'm Killer Star! I'm Killer Star! I'm Killer Star!" Each time the mysterious being said his name, a concentrated cone of light bathed down on him from above, dazing and disoriented all those in his immediate area. He did this all the way to Genos.

He finally stopped before him.

"A monster?" Genos asked, taking up a fighting stance.

"A monster?" a pedestrian repeated as others noticed as well. The crowd began to panic and some ran. A bouncing yellow star blasted the floor in front of them to cut them off, sending tiles and debris into the air. Killer Star had flicked his butter knife towards the spot to send it there. He smiled, obviously impressed with himself.

Fubuki took notice then. "Damn. Where is Saitama?"

There are too many people here for me to go all out, Genos thought. I need to be careful. I can't disgrace myself in front of Master again.

"Demon Cyborg" Killer Star murmured, waving his knife around. "You'd better thank your lucky stars for you stand in the presence of a god! I'll bathe you in eternal light and disgrace you in front of all your adoring fans!"

"This is between you and me, monster" he said, stirring the engine inside of himself. "Let these people go."

Killer Star laughed. "No way! They're my audience! I'm the star of this show and after I destroy you, you'll be nothing to them! I am Killer Star! I was once a beautiful actor slash model starring in all of the feature films and gracing all of the magazine covers. But I faded away thanks to that fraud Sweet Mask! I wanted so very much to be a star again so I wished on one. A flying star! Now, I'm brighter than everyone else! I'll destroy that fake, Sweet Mask in front of the entire world! But you come first!"

Genos shook his head. "That was much too long. Shorten it to twenty words or less next time."

He leapt into the air above everybody's heads and used rocket propulsion blasting from his elbows to power a dive kick right to the monster's starry face. The impact caused a minor explosion that people ran from and bounced Genos high up in the air.

Genos looked down and saw that he was unaffected. Killer Star raised his knife and fired a large flying star made up of compacted metal, gas and light that Genos barely managed to dodge in mid-air.

"Ah, so you're a bit lucky too!" Killer Star exclaimed.

The pedestrians formed a sort of wide circle around the combatants and began cheering Genos on.

"Go, Demon Cyborg!"

"Make that monster regret it!"

"I love you so much, Demon Cyborg! Don't lose!"

"Everybody! Keep a safe distance!" Genos said to them all. No. I'll just have to take the fight away from them.

He propelled to the ground and grabbed Killer Star by the waist.

"What is this?" the monster demanded to know. "Whatever you're trying, it won't work!"

Genos took flight while holding Killer Star close to his body. It created a draft of dust and wind that caused people to shield their eyes. He flew the two of them right through the roof of the store and much higher than even above that. Once they were clear, Genos spun them around and shoved Killer Star away with a double legged kick. He was sent in a downward angled trajectory into the street well away from the store. Genos propelled himself to him just as he was standing.

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