Chapter 7

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Niall might as well shoot himself, because he couldn’t possibly have forgotten that Liam said earlier today he would come over. He wanted to borrow his Spanish book since he’d forgotten his in the school.

And there he was standing in the doorway gaping at them with pale features, wide eyes and open mouth. His eyes were painted with horror as they followed Zayn’s hand that disappeared in Niall’s pants, and a strangled sound escaped the back of his throat. His reaction could almost challenge Hannah’s.

For a very short second he looked like he might stalk over and kick Zayn off of him, but then he turned on his heels.

“Liam!!” Niall cried desperately as he shoved Zayn off of him and ran after his friend; never mind he was shirtless and his pants were open. He caught up to him at the door. Liam looked at him, his eyes still wide and even a little disbelieving. His eyes swept over Niall’s disheveled frame and the blonde could see his Adam apple bob as he swallowed heavily.

“We’ll talk,” He said quietly with a small frown and there it was – Niall felt his chest tighten – the disappointment in his eyes. Niall hated that look, and as Liam walked away, he felt like dying; this couldn’t possibly be happening.

When he got back to his room there were no traces of Zayn whatsoever, and he collapsed on his bed, tears flowing down his cheeks.

It was only expected that Niall didn’t close an eye that night, and he cried more than once. He’d never felt worse, and he had a feeling things were only going to get even worse. He wished Zayn could’ve stayed and just held him; told him everything would be alright. A part of him wished Zayn would have told him that no matter what happened nothing would change between them.

But he never heard from the raven-haired lad, not even a text and it killed Niall. He had to ask himself why it mattered to him so much, and how many of his tears were because of Zayn’s seemingly indifference.

Somewhere early in the morning he managed to drift off to sleep. He was awakened by his phone vibrating a little earlier than he used to get up. His eyes widened when he saw who the text was from.

Liam: Hey Ni. I am in the car outside. I want to talk before school

Niall swallowed. A tiny part of him had hoped Liam would ignore the whole thing and act like he hadn’t seen anything; a wishful thinking was all it was.

He used a whole 5 minutes staring at the screen, before replying.

Niall: Be there in 5

Niall fell back on his pillow with a heavy sigh. He didn’t know what he would say, and he could already feel all the questions Liam was burning with. He just had to get this over with.

A few minutes later, Niall was walking out of the house and his stomach twisted a little when he saw Liam’s familiar car holding at the sidewalk.

Niall walked over there as slow as he could, but he got there eventually. He opened the door and slid in next to Liam in the passenger seat. He was a bit relieved when Liam smiled.

“Good morning, Nialler,” He said softly.

“Good morning, Li,” Niall lied hoarsely; there was absolutely nothing good about this morning.

Then they were both silent for a moment, and Niall was squirming uncomfortably in his seat. Then Liam sighed, and Niall’s stomach dropped a little.

“Niall,” Liam was wearing that serious face of his, and Niall reluctantly met his gaze. “Care to explain?”

Niall wetted his lips as his brain turned the words in his head; what was there really to explain? How should he explain that he and Zayn fucked without it sounding like he was a fucking slut?

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