Chapter 2

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انا اسفه بس عايزه فوت وكومنت كتير عشان اكمل القصه لان انا بجد بتعب فيها مع ان امتحاناتي قريبه :)

Niall woke up feeling too hot for his liking, and the sharp sunlight cut into his sensitive eyes, making him groan lightly. He blinked rapidly with his eyes, trying to adjust them to the too light room. Once black spots weren’t disturbing his sight, he ever so slowly looked around. His first observation was that, he wasn’t in his own bed. The next was that the reason he was so hot was because he was enveloped in a blanket.

He groaned as he brought a hand up and scratched the crone of his head, trying to recall his memories. The last thing he remembered was Liam picking him up to this senior party, Louis had invited them too. A light bulb went off in his head; that is where he must be now, the house were the party was held. But why the fuck hadn’t he left last night?

He stared blankly up at the unfamiliar ceiling as his brain tried to make sense of his muddled memories. He must’ve gotten drunk and passed out; now that he thought about it, he remembered a lot of alcohol and a lot of curls were involved last night. But what happened after that?

Ever so slowly did pieces and bits of last night return to him; the light breeze outside, two guys against the wall, a smirk, dark eyes, a wink. Niall’s eyes widened as single name entered his mind;


The name of the dark-haired, mysterious guy from school triggered a lot of images that flashed in Niall’s mind in record speed; lips against lips, tangled tongues, soft hair, skin, hands, touches.

Niall bolted upright in the bed so fast that he grew all dizzy, and his vision got blurred. “Ugh!” He cursed under his breath as he clutched his head, waiting for the dizziness to disappear. Once it did, he ever so slowly lifted the blanket, peeking under it with an unnaturally fast heartbeat. He blanched at what met him his eyes growing huge and his breath catching in his throat for a moment.

He was naked.

“Nononono!” He ranted as he fisted his hair, his eyes darting wildly around. There was no other than him in the room, and his heart sank when he saw his clothes scattered randomly around the room.

This was no good; he’d woken up in a random room, under a blanket and naked. What worse was; all he could remember was Zayn’s fucking Malik’s face.


It didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened and the more he thought about it, the more it returned at him. When the image of Zayn pressed up against him, the memory of his body heat lingering in his mind, did he freak out.

He screamed.

This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t believe it; wouldn’t. He couldn’t possibly have slept with a guy he only knew by face. He couldn’t possibly have lost his virginity to Zayn fucking Malik.

However, everything pointed in that direction, and it didn’t take long before Niall remembered everything clearly; or as clearly as you can remember something from when you were drunk. He remembered Zayn shoving him up against a wall, and fuck, he remembered doing nothing but returning his kisses.

Niall was begin to hyperventilate, because fuck, he’d slept with one of the most popular guys from school; and fuck, he’d lost his virginity in a fucking party while he was fucking drunk; he’d slept with a GUY.

Unhealthy Love (Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now