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My mind was overflowing with emotions that I could not decipher. The clock that hung above my head ticked over and over again, making my thoughts grow louder and louder with each tick. I was going insane, the clock had just struck twelve starting a new day. My hands were trembling beside me as I twitched violently in my bed.

"Get out of my head, get out." My own voice seemed foreign, almost as if it wasn't even a part of my body. I clenched my fist and pressed them against my temple, struggling to rid the pain that sat in the pit of my skull.

I needed to do it.

I had to.

So I did.

I caved into the trap, and I hated myself for it, but the feeling was just too sweet.

I felt my fingers wrap around the handle of the closet door and I pulled out the outfit, black pre-ripped skinny jeans, a black long sleeve, a red leather jacket, a sleek black fedora, some black converse, and a black and white bandana. This outfit was my signature, if I walked out in public with this I would be arrested on the spot, everybody knew. When they saw it they knew who it belonged to: Red Eyes, the girl who killed innocent people.

I didn't, kill innocent people. No, that wasn't the case, I killed people who deserved it. I killed whoever had to do with anything of the murder of my entire family.

Karma wasn't a bitch, truth is, she's a close friend of mine.

So I put on the outfit, my dark brown, almost black hair in a slick bun, not a single strand of hair out of place. My lips were a deep shade of red, almost blood color.

I walked into the bathroom, sliding open the top drawer and grabbing out my contact box that contained my prized jewels. Red eye contacts sat afloat in the liquid, until I picked them out and placed them over my blue iris.

I blinked then grabbed the bandana, and fedora, my house key, and the beautiful silver weapon that sat perfectly on my coffee table.

"Hell is coming." I whispered to the air and shut my apartment door.

My feet stepped quickly down the steps and soon my body met with the chill breeze of the autumn air. I unlocked my car and sat inside, grabbing the notebook that lay on the floor.

The entire book was filled of names. Names of people who's lives were soon going to come to an end.

1. Jeremy Buckner

A grin etched on my face of the thought of this man, he was the one who killed my mother. The sweet fragile woman who was the one that called me every night telling me she loved me. He killed her, which completely shattered my heart. So I was going to make his stop beating.

I knew exactly where he was, around this time he's about to get off work. I had to catch him before he left.

Leather black gloves were soon pulled onto my small hands and I looked in the back seat where long stem white roses lay along the fabrics of the inner vehicle. I grabbed a single one, and stepped out of the warm car.

"Poor Jeremy." I cooed as I lightly touched the petal of the flower, "rest in peace."

And I was off, the Stars gazed down at me from the night sky, and the crickets were chirping. It was peaceful, sad thing is it wasn't going to last.

Next thing I knew, my converse stalled on the black pavement of the street, for I stood in the center of it.

He always took this route to get home to his wife and kids, the poor people didn't know that somebody so dear to them was a murderer.

I reached into my back pocket, pulling out the black and white bandana and tying it around face so only my eyes were visible, my bright red eyes. The fedora was placed upon my head, completing my look just on time, because head lights soon met my frozen figure. It was him.

He was looking right at me. You could see the terror in his eyes, and it brought a sickly wicked smirk upon my face, however he couldn't see it. I raised my hand and pointed a finger at him, bending it slightly signaling him to come forward.

Jeremy clenched his eyes shut, stepping out of the car and coming forward to me.

"Can I help you?" His voice was shaking, and it was quite funny. He was scared of a small Uni girl, but too him I was Red Eyes, the serial killer.

"... Run." My voice venomous.

And he did. He quickly turned away from me, abandoning his car and his loud steps rang through my ears, but I was hot on his heels.

The shining blade was clasped in my hand, and I was going to take this man out, even if it was the last thing I do.

Once I was in arms reach, I grabbed the back of his coat, pulling him to the floor, and immediately penetrating the knife into his neck, right into the jugular vein.

His eyes widened, and his breathes became heavy and short, he was struggling to breathe, and it was a beautiful sight. The blood oozed from his neck and soon enough, the dilated pupils rolled to the back of his head.

"Goodbye." I grumbled, and opened his mouth, sticking the end of the stem into his mouth, sliding it down into his throat until the entire head of the Rose was in his mouth, and I shut it.

When the people open his mouth, they'll see a white rose, and pull it out. The stem will be full of blood, and it will be gorgeous. They'll immediately know who the killer was. It was my signature after all.

I stood up making sure I left behind no traces, and began my walk home.

"For you mom." I whispered, and walked up the steps to my apartment door, entering the warm home.

I walked to the kitchen, cleaning the pocket knife, ridding it of the blood that dripped down it. I took off my bandana and fedora.

My hair was once again loose, no longer in a tight bun, but rather free, and somewhat messy.

The tea kettle was screeching, and it was two in the morning. I had taken off my outfit and contacts and became Augustina, not Red Eyes. I was normal, I knew I was, I just had different hobbies.

I grabbed the kettle pouring the hot water, and I placed a small tea bag in the water letting it soak.

The notebook was in my hand, again. The name of the man I had just killed was written in ink.

1. Jeremy Buckner

A simple check mark was placed beside his name, he was gone now, and he couldn't hurt anybody else, the way he hurt me.


- Callie. x

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