The Deal

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After William finished his little chat with Dave, he found his way to Mr. Cunningham's office. Take a deep breath, just don't loose your cool too much, and at least try to explain it to him calmly. Of course, considering everything that's happened to him just last night, it didn't look like it was going to be easy. He knocked on the door to the office, patiently waiting for a response. Mr. Cunningham was a busy employer, so William was fine with waiting outside his office for a few minutes. Then, his boss gave him the okay signal.

"Come on in."

William opened to the door, and walked into Mr. Cunningham's office. He saw him sitting at his large desk in a grey swivel chair, working with his typewriter. There were several tax files and documents visible on the desk as well, including a large blue lava-lamp that seemed a bit random. Mr. Cunningham didn't take notice of William for a few seconds since he was busy typing, and once he was finished typing around a few seconds later, he turned to William.

"Ah, good afternoon, Afton. Sorry about making you wait, there was just some very important work I was working on. I'm supposed to be getting a call from Mr. Emily shortly, so I'm kind of rushing some things today."

"That's fine, sir. I've been waiting quite a bit this morning to get to speak with you. I'm somewhat of a patient person."

"Patience is a good quality, Afton, remember that. Well, I'm happy to see you this morning. Anyways, is there, uh, anything you want to talk to me about?"

William thought about how he should bring the situation up to his boss. Sure, he felt like going on a rant about what happened last night with him nearly dying, but he didn't exactly want to get fired just yet. Not until he knew if Mr. Cunningham could do anything about changing his work conditions. William also didn't want to sound like he was going mentally insane in front of his boss, so he tried a more calm approach instead.

"Yes, I do, sir. For the past two nights, I certainly found out many more things than what you told me during the tour I got last week. I have...many certain complaints relating to my... work environment."

"Oh, really? Could you please be a little more specific, Afton?"

"On my first night working here, there weren't many problems with my job. In fact, I was starting to enjoy it until last night. That's what I wanted to talk about with you, sir."

"Well, I'm happy to see you enjoyed your first night here. Anyways, uh, did you happen to have anything to do with the power outage here last night?"

"Wait, you heard about that?"

"Yeah. I just got the report in from Dave. It seems that main power to the facility failed to reboot last night, and that it seemed you were able to restore it manually, right?"

"Yes, that's true, sir, but the only reason the power went out was because-"

"Don't worry. I've heard from some of my other technicians here that there have been a few problems with the Hand-Unit recently. So I'll try to get that all sorted out so that this little incident doesn't happen again."

"Ok, but can I get to what my complaints are finally?"

"We still got some time left before Mr. Emily calls. Go ahead."

I can't hold this in anymore, thought William. I have to tell him what happened. But if I do, will I just sound crazy? Didn't Dave said they knew the animatronics were aggressive? Then it shouldn't sound too crazy.

"Ok, last night I practically went through hell just to reboot the power. I had to deal with two little robots trying to kill me, I had to crawl on the floor just to get past the Ballora, and then Freddy and his little puppet attacked me! And not just that, but my piece of shit Hand-Unit nearly got me killed twice, in the same night! I don't know what the hell is going on around here, but all I can say is this is insane! And all of this happened in one night!!"

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