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It was terrible night. I thought it was dream but when i saw my eyes, red from crying i wasn't any time for thinking. All i needed was pretend like nothing happened. I didn't wanted Bang Chan, Felix or anyone to knew about it. I quickly get up. Workout,take a shower, eat and dressed up. I then took my keys and went to my car. When i get there i heard Felix voice :
-Mave!! How are you?! Have you slept well?
-Your asking me as if you don't know that i have insomnia.
-Ohh yeah i know - he laughed - But i still asked. - We were about to go to class when we heard scream. We Instantly follow the voice. It was coming from boys bathroom. Everyone was there. When we went in we saw...Jimin's dead body with note. (Quick disclaimer, i don't hate Jimin or anything, it's just part of the story 💜 enjoy!) I took it quickly so no one noticed it. I went out and read it : "As i told you, no one can even look at you as me. I warned you babygirl, you will be mine anyways so you better be quick or else there will be more bodies everyday. You know me well and u know that if i want something, i will get it. Love you ~ Your daddy." I freeze. "He...He killed him only because he just looked at me and smile?? God why? Why isn't he leaving me alone?!" I was still looking at the paper when Felix came.
-Hey! Shall we go? What is it?
-Wha..? Oh this - I quickly hide the note - this is my..schedule! Yeah! I forgot what we had so i had to check! Now i know so, we can go! Come on! - I quickly ran. Felix was still confused but he still follow me.
Whole day, i was thinking about that note. I couldn't concentrate on anything. He still gonna kill someone? Ughh!
Time skip
~Bang Chan's house~
-Ok so since everyone's here, let's get going. - We had mission so we needed to go. We get in the cars and start driving. I was sitting with Chan, Changbin, Felix and Lee know. We arived at the direction. It was bridge. Me, Lee know and Jeongin hide at the right side. Bang Chan, Felix, Seongmin, jisung and Changbin at the left side. Suddenly two cars stopped at the start of the bridge. As they come out Bang Chan and others start shooting. Them we started too. We came out and started shooting and fighting. They start running back. Everyone started chasing them but i didn't. My leg was hurting for some reason and i couldn't run much. So i started going towards my car but stopped after hearing his husky voice :
-Not so fast darling. - I turned around and saw Hynjin getting out of second car. I freeze at my spot and couldn't do anything but stearing. - You really thought i wouldn't find you? - I wasn't saying anything - Well let's just don't talk anymore we don't have much time. Sit - He told me and pointed the car. I was staring at him, didn't knew what to do. I can't run, i can't fight with him because it will be useless. He is biggest mafia boss, how can i fight with him?!
-Can't you hear me? I said sit! - He looked at me with lust in his eyes. I flinched and started going backward. - Mave, baby...-He started. Trying to smile - I don't want to hurt you so don't make me and sit in this fucking car!
-P-Please H-Hynjin...Just let me g-go.. - I said with tearful eyes. I couldn't imagine my life with him again. It was literally horrible.
-Sorry baby, but i can't. It's the only thing i can't make for you. So don't make me say again and SIT!
-Hynjin...-I started but stopped when i saw madness in his eyes. I got shivers on my body as i saw him coming towards me angrily.
-I warned you..- He said as he came to me and put something on my face which made me fall asleep...

Sad mafia life ~Hynjin ff~Where stories live. Discover now