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two months earlier

"Quit glaring at me like that, Abs; I'm still alive."

With a huff, Abby crossed her arms as she leaned back on the chair, her eyes never breaking eye contact with (y/n)'s.

The purplish bruises that littered her companion's face caught her full attention within seconds, making her forget her angered demeanor—it got replaced with worry quickly, slightly tainted with fear too. The sight of the bandages wrapped around her arms, torso and forehead didn't help with the uneasiness that took over her form.

(y/n)'s deep sigh interrupted her thorough examination of said woman's injuries.

"Could you stop being so dramatic?" she rolled her eyes as she readjusted her position on the bed. "Am a tough cookie, am perfectly fine."

"Says the one that's literally bedbound for two weeks."

(y/n) rolled her eyes. "Touché."

Abby chuckled quietly, deciding just then it didn't matter how angry she got—(y/n)'s stubbornness couldn't be matched. This didn't make her stop thinking of what could have been, however.

She couldn't help but allow the thought to cross her mind: what would have happened had she and Manny not been called to join the fight with those trespassers? (y/n) and her group would've been outnumbered, taken down within minutes, most likely would've wound up dead.

It felt like a miracle at this point, that (y/n) was still alive, and well; back at base, recovering just fine from the altercation, and still with enough energy to joke about it.

"Abby, you're doing it again." The blonde darted her eyes away from her lap, and up to meet (y/n)'s tired gaze. She leaned forwards, moving her legs carefully to dangle over the bed's edge—she did so slowly, mindful of her heavily bandaged, sprained ankle. "I'm fine." She repeated, her voice laced with a hint of lassitude that made Abby smile internally. (y/n) had said that so many times during the past hour, it now felt like she was chanting a mantra.

"I know." Abby nodded her head, and bit her lip nervously.

She had a hard time figuring out what was exactly going on with her regarding... well, everything.

Ever since that day, when (y/n) took her to that rooftop to watch the sunset, she's been feeling a tad weirded out by the fact that every time she met (y/n)'s gaze, a horde of butterflies awoke in her stomach—her insides burned with that kind of anxiety and nervousness so typical of that being in love, that oddly satisfying enchantment one felt near the one they cared most about. Although it resulted strange to admit, Abby couldn't deny the fact that she'd finally gotten over Owen, and she had seemingly moved on to like someone else.

To love someone else.

Someone that, she came to realize, had been by her side for far longer than Owen had—how she didn't notice her before this way, it shocked her deeply.

After that altercation with those trespassers, Abby knew for sure her feelings were as real as the bones in her body. Seeing (y/n) in that state had flipped a switch, and all made sense then.

"I just don't like seeing you hurt, that's all." She admitted out loud, her words almost merging with one another as she spoke fast, sheepishly fidgeting with her hands.

(y/n) smiled at her words, and gently placed one of her hands on the blonde's, ceasing instantly her constant fidgeting. "That's sweet. Thank you for worrying about me."

"If I didn't, you'd be dead by now." Abby joked, fighting the blush threatening to tint her freckled face at (y/n)'s gentle touch.

(y/n)'s light laugh made her have butterflies in her stomach again. That goddamn laugh began to drive her nuts even before she grew aware of her feelings for her best friend. Just hearing her laugh had a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth—especially if that laugh happened because of something she said.

(y/n) grabbed her hand softly, giving it a gentle squeeze as a smile lingered on her lips.

"Seriously, though... Abby, I'm okay." The (h/c)-haired stated once more, this time a little more determined and firmly. "I'm still here, still alive. Besides," she paused, a grin spreading across her lips, "it'll take a lot more than just a bunch of trespassers for you to get rid of me."

Abby smirked at her words.

Renegade [Abby Anderson] [TLOU2] [ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now