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"You look so cute as Gabriella" Rosella tells Nini as she emerges from behind the stage, squealing with Kourtney who's one of the costume designers of the show

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"You look so cute as Gabriella" Rosella tells Nini as she emerges from behind the stage, squealing with Kourtney who's one of the costume designers of the show. "You did an amazing job with the costumes, Kourtney" she turns to the girl next to her. "Thank you" they both thank her as Rickys voice echos through the theater. "Okay, let's do this!" The girls turn around to look at him but can't help laughing at what they see. He's wearing his costume as well, and with that a wig which just looks hilarious, shocking the three. "Oh my god, love" Rosella laughs. "What?" "I can't. There's so much to talk about" Nini comments. "Wait, what's funny?" he tries to stay serious.

"Wow, that hairstyle really suits you" Rosella tells the boy, stopping her laughing fit as she walks up to him, removing some hair from in front of his eyes. "You think?" "No, sorry, I really can't take you serious with that wig on" she starts laughing again. "Well, I think you look cute with your Kelsi-glasses" Ricky states, pecking her lips and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks" she smiles up at him.

Slowly all the other cast members come onto stage in their costumes for the photoshoot today.
"Let's get some air, wildcats" Gina exclaims as she walks onto stage in her pink outfit. "Good morning, Gina" Ricky greets her with a straight face, causing the girl to chuckle as she walks up to the couple. "Pretty good, right?" "Troy, you look the best" she tells him. "Thank you, I try" he replies as the girls look at each other suppressing their laugher.

"Okay, guys. We're going to get one for practice, okay?" Big Red calls to the cast, being the photographer of the day. "You're all gonna jump on the count of three." The cast line up under the High School Musical sign.
"Okay, on the count of three." The cast jump as Kourtney walks through the picture, apologizing. "Okay, again. One, two, three."

"Wait, what happened?" Big Red asks as the cast jumps at different times. "Where to begin with?" Ricky comments. "I think you went early" Seb tells the boy. "Are we jumping on three or after three?" Rosella wants to have clarified. "Yeah, the count of three, ready?" he answers. "Nah, man, you need some new words" Ricky exclaims, pointing at his best friend.

"You guys, this isn't that hard" Calros voices. already stressed out. "You smile, you leave the earth, you land." "It's a little hard to smile when we don't even know the plan" Ricky inputs. "I can't look at Ricky. Is that a problem" Nini comments earning laughers from the rest of the cast except for the said boy.

"Okay, let's take a five" Carlos announces. "On five or after five" the once curly haired boy mutters, walking away. "I think he's mad at us" Seb comments as Ricky walks off the stage.

After the final class the couple and Gina walk into the bombshell together, Gina going over to Big Red and Kourtney who are looking at the pictures from earlier, while Rosella and Ricky go to the other side of the piano, putting his guitar away.
"Have you heard anything from Carlos or Miss Jenn? They're never late" Rosella asks Seb as she realizes that neither of them are here yet. "It's weird. He's not responding to texts" he tells them. "I hope everything's okay" the girl says, turning back to Ricky.

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