Untitled Part 4

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For those of you who like this book but don't care to comment,your in luck. You can thank @dekusanders for that! He mailed me and said sure make some more. So thanks dekusanders for thinking it was good when no one else did.

I sat there stunned. Me: pffft stop messing with me. Lemme guess, you hired this big guy here to?" I gestured to the buff guy in the wolf cloak. Wolf guy: deep voice) no they didn't." in surprised he talked. Me: then who are you?" he stood up. Wolf guy: I AM FENRIR ,SON OF LOKI, GOD OF WOLVES!" I look at him with an annoyed face. Me: why am I not surprised?" Fenrir: you are a special werewolf Thomas. You are the lightning of death werewolf. The most strongest of us."

I make a duck /  face. Me: mmmmmmhhhhhhmmmm." Trevor put his hands in his. Trevor: you know what , ill make you believe us." Me:?" then he did something ill never forget. His face turned into a wolf face. I fell out of my chair at back away. Me: WHAT THE FU**  IS THAT!" then his face turned human. Trevor : whoa, Thomas its just me. Just me, ok?"

I get up slowly. Me: o- "  then I sat back down. Trevor : when you were shot last night, I was forced to bite you, so you wouldn't die. But I didn't know you are the the lightning of death." I- " I cut him off. Me: what's the lightning of death?" Trevor paused for a sec. Trevor: the lightning of death is the son of Fenrir and the daughter of god."

I'm speechless. Me: you- you mean I'm part god and part devil wolf?" Trevor: yes. Biting you brought out the devil wolf inside of you. Only the kiss of an angel will bring out the god." I look at Fenrir. Me: so you are my father?" I asked weakly. Fenrir: yes, and you are my son." I put my head in my face. Uncle:  look, Thomas you are a werewolf. You live in a completely different world now. You have superhuman abilities. You'll also be going to a different school." 

I perked my head up. I smiled. Me: you mean no more Mr figger?" Trevor: yup" Fenrir(   I'm not calling him dad yet): who is this Mr figger?" Me: the meanest math teacher ever." Fenrir: HE WAS MEAN TO YOU! I WILL DESTROY HIM AND USE IS RIBS AS TOOTH PICKS!!" my eyes grow super wide. Me : don't do that! What the hell is wrong with you!!??? " Fenrir: I am sorry son. I'm just trying to protect you." I do a duck face. Me: his just a math teacher. The worst thing he can do is bore me to death." we all don't speak for a while. Mom: were also going to move. 

I'm gonna have to cut this one short guys sorry!

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