Chapter 6 - The three Rules

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Walking through the underground caves fighting supernatural foes, their hopes got stronger.

But after a three days, in the tunnels, they had shortage of food, they needed to travel fast. After facing tons of supernatural foes, they met a normal being....

Ria: See that man lying on the floor.

Who they saw was a man with a long white beard, he looked strong, he was very injured and seemed that he is going to die.

Bubbles: what happened?

Old man: three... ru... rules

Clush: 'The three rules'? Is that what you said?

Old man: I... I... have... defeated many...but he... des...destroyed me.

Clush: First let me treat your wounds.

Old man: no.... it is of.... no use... I am... at the.... ve-verge... of death.

Clush: but who did this to you?

Old man: L-L-LIFE.

Then the old man died.

Raven: 'The three rules', I know them. They are said to be immortals that can only be killed by their own weapons, they were buried alive and they made tunnels to get out because above them there was made a king's palace and around it were guards, so they made tunnels that lead to a far place but before the tunnels lead out to the ground, a magic spell was casted to transform the sand into stones, and now they still live in those tunnels, I mean, these tunnels according to the old man.

Ria: how many of them are there?

Raven: three of them, their names are Life, Death and Phantom, they say that they were buried because they worked for Red Dawn.

Clush: we didn't meet any of them till now, but I hope we do, because they count as Red Dawn's army.

Raven: yes I hope we do. but according to the man, he was attacked by Life, so we are more likely to meet Life first, he has a potion with him that can completely heal a person by just touching a drop of it on his body. And Death has a weapon that if he touches it with a person's body, that person dies.

Bubbles: I think he will be easy to handle!

Clush: yeah he will be, so now let's move on.

Raven: but Life has a ring with him, if he is wearing that he cannot be killed even by his own weapon.

Hank: we can cut his fingers.

Clush: what is his weapon?

Raven: A knife. it's the sharpest blade ever forged.

They moved further, they became sick because of suffocation in the caves.
After an hour or two, they reached the point of the tunnel which was divided into 5 caves...

Hank: so which way do we go?

Raven: if we want to meet 'The three rules' then we must surely go in different directions.

Clush: but we are six people.

Wayne: no problem, you all go in different caves only me and Raven we go together in one cave, because we are the only ones who can have advantage because of each other's skills.

Raven: but how can we have advantage by going together?

Wayne: look, both of us have great fighting skills, that's why.

Clush: It's okay Raven, you go with him. Do you want to?

Raven: no problem. We both will go in the centre cave, Clush you go in the cave left to ours, Bubbles you go to the cave left to Clush's, Ria you go to the cave right to ours and Hank you go to the cave right to Ria's. let's go.

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