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Yeah guys, that was a wild ride. To everyone who waited for 2 freaking years for this ending, I'm so sorry! I got caught up in so many things, and was so insecure about the story and my writing, well, everything. I didn't think I'd be able to give a proper ending to this, so I kind of vanished. But I was happy to remember this story this week and felt encouraged to finally end it. And I thank you all for it! You were an amazing (and oh so patient, I'm so sorry, again, for the wait) audience.

I feel compelled to also talk a little about our protagonists here. When I started this story, my goal was to make this couple a little less toxic. We know that Blair and Chuck have their roughness and even meanness to them, but that didn't make the fact that they had many abusive moments ok. 

I wanted to explore more of their backgrounds (and of course I came up with most of it, changing a little of what we know of the original story) and take main events that went extremely wrong on the series and try to make it right this time. I wanted to give Blair a voice and an attitude, and wanted to give Chuck the acceptance of all of his complex emotions and fears. 

Well, I think that's about it. Thank you so much again for everything, and stay safe and happy. If you want to talk about it, I'll try to be more present this time. <3 

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