Chapter 1.7

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            He waited until everyone was sorted and dinner began to answer any questions. He started out by telling everyone that he survived that night because of something his mother did. He told them about the classes and which ones would be good to read a bit about beforehand. He told them about the ghosts and elves that worked in the kitchen. He told them about the thing between Gryffindor and Slytherin. 

        He told them to never, and he meant ever to bully someone or put them down because of blood-status. He pointed out the prefects and head boy and girl. He pointed out people that were best for helping in which subject. He told them who to avoid and told them how to not strike out or talk back when someone did something or said something that they didn't like. 

    He told them that they were in Gryffindor because they were brave and chivalrous, daring and have nerve. He told them that they couldn't be brave or daring if they had detention or were dead because they decided  strike before getting all details, that they were Gryffindor's not reckless 5 year olds. Harry noted every first year at the table hanging onto every word and taking them to heart.

Up at the teacher's table the Professors were confused on what was happening. Not only was Harry Potter actually talking to the first years but the first years seemed to calm and collect themselves after he said something. They saw many kids turn and start talking to other kids they were previously ignoring. Some where even turning to other tables and waving at other first years.

"What in heavens' sake is Mr. Potter doing" McGonagall asked

"I do not know, Sir Nicholas would you mind shedding some light on what Mr. Potter is doing" Dumbledore asked. All the staff place their hands on their wands when Harry pulls his wand out but relaxes when they see him casting little light butterflies around the first years.

"Ah yes, Harry is telling the first years what to expect, what classes would be good a read a bit on beforehand, reminding them what being a Gryffindor really means, I'm talking about what Godric himself wanted Gryffindor's to be, he is explaining the ghosts and elves. He is answering any questions as much as he can. It has been so long since someone has done this for the first years. I'm also pretty sure he is telling them which older students would be good to ask questions about certain subjects" Sir Nicholas smiled before going back to the table to converse with the students.

"Well I'll be" McGonagall was astonished. The only students that did that were prefects and that's cause it was a part of their jobs. But here was a 4th year willingly doing it for no reason at all. She now had a perfect prefect for next year. Be damned what Dumbledore said.

"I can't even say he's doing it for attention because he is keeping it to himself." Snape said sneer in place.  Clearly mad he can't put the boy down.

Back at the Gryffindor table.

"Harry?" A small first year Names Eve Silvergun asked

"Yes, Eve?"

"Can I be friends with people from other houses?"

"Yes you can, be careful with Slytherin's though they sometimes aren't the friendliest." Harry told the small girl with a smile. The food disappeared and dessert appeared. Everyone ate normally, well everyone except Ron, he ate like he hasn't had a crumb of food in weeks. Soon enough the dessert disappeared and Harry sent the first years to the prefects and headed up to the tower with everyone else.

He ignored questions of what he was doing. He focused on the questions the 2nd and 3rd years were asking. Once in the common rooms he helped the younger years with homework they hadn't completed. When he went to change into sleep clothes, he ignored Ron as he did his nighttime skin routine and went to sleep.

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