Chapter 1.8

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      Class ended and they separated. Gryffindor to Herbology with Hufflepuff, Slytherin to Charms. Harry, Neville, Seamus, and Dean entered first. They were told six to a table. Susan Bones and Hannah Abott entered next. After being told six to a table they sat down at the table with the boys who immediately dragged them into a conversation about Quidditch. Harry however talked to Susan about books that had caught their attention. 

They got quiet however when everyone else walked in. People looked oddly upon the group but didn't say anything.

"Hello class, Today we will be handling bouncing bulbs" Sprout said a smile rested on her face. Sprout told them the ways to handle the bulb while showing them that looked similar to purple squash or an eggplant. While they were handling them one bounced up and got Seamus in the face. The people at the table laughed while Seamus looked upon his bulb with an expression of betrayal on his face. Class ended soon after that. They headed to lunch after herbology.

The group of six sorta collected Luna on the way to lunch. So when everyone thought everyone was in the hall already the doors opened to show a group of 7 teens from different houses walking in laughing at something. They split up and sat down at their respective table. Lunch was a peaceful affair.

Harry made sure to grab his History and Ancient Runes textbooks as he planned to read through them both during the class. He got halfway through the Runes book when the class ended. They had charms next so he switched the textbooks and headed to class. After charms was DADA after which was dinner.

In the Gryffindor common room in a corner where no one would bother them were Harry, Neville, Seamus, and Dean. They were doing homework, trading answers, asking/answering questions for each other. Laughing; having a good time. A few lower years had come up asking questions, got their answers and went back to friends. Harry was sitting with his back to the common room with a wide view of the common room. Harry was notified every time Ron sent a glare his way or Hermione or someone threw a random glance at the corner. They finished homework and dried the parchment. The four went to their dorm room. Where they changed into night clothes and all sat on Harry's bed with the curtains drawn and silencing charms with others on the curtains.

"So how did your summers go? Mine went great my family went to America to visit relatives" Dean asked

"Oh, My dad took me and my sister to Ireland sometime in the summer" Seamus supplied

"My uncle got kicked from the house by my Gran. I also got a greenhouse set up." Neville told them beaming

"Well, I started the summer by burning a rat" They knew who he was talking about "Then my relatives' house burnt down because they left the fireplace lit. I spent the rest of the summer in the Leaky Cauldron with Tom who I think of an uncle at the moment. I found out that someone in my early family set up a multiple marriage arrangement with me"

"Whose all in it?"

"Erm, Daphne Greengrass, Tracy Davis, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Susan and Hannah are in it as well. Then there is Fleur Delacour from France I believe" Harry told them counting off his fingers.

"8 people, you are in a harem marriage with 8 people, there must be a reason for it to be 8 people and for it to only activate now means something might be wrong" Neville said, his eyebrows creasing in confusion.

"Tomorrow is Saturday we will figure it out then" Everyone left the bed and crawled into their own. Harry pulled his notebook out and opened it.

Pansy: Harry James Potter you answer me!

Blaise: ooh she full named you

Harry: What I do?

Daphne: O-O

Pansy: What'd you do? What'd you do? I'll tell you what you did. You not only got your potion right (which I'm proud of) but you also looked Snape in the eye and smiled and walked out smiling. He was sneering so bad I thought he was goin' drag you in back in by your neck, curse you 50 times, and take points off for making him curse you. I can't

I can't worry!

Theo: @-@


Pansy: Sorry? Sorry? Is that all you have to say for yourself, Sorry?

Harry:.....Look Pansy I am sorry I don't know what else to say as I'm not used to people being worried about me like this.

Pansy: -_- I'll take it and what about Granger? She seems real close to you?

Harry: Hermione? Hermione is more like my sister. Besides, I'm pretty sure she likes either Fred or George. They are always both around each other around her so I don't exactly know which she likes.

Tracy: Ooh Damn, Spill that tea.

Blaise: Tracy you're a disgrace.

Harry:.... I can give you more tea on Gryffindor, If you like?

Tracy: Ha take that Blaise. Yes Harry tell me the tea.

Harry: So like to start never listening to Lavender or Parvati the gossip they spread is based on loose rumors that are heard floating around.

Tracy: So Gryffindor gossip girls have bad gossip? Go on.

Harry: So, Seamus and Dean are totally crushing on each other but don't say anything. Neville himself is crushing on Luna Lovegood. Ron is a pervert I am not talking to currently. Percy Weasley and Oliver Wood share a dorm and have an extremely high amount of sexual tension. They graduate this year sooo. Anyway that's enough Gossip for the night. It's late. Goodnight my lovelies <3

Harry closed the book and locked it before falling asleep.

Hello! 2 updates today probably more honestly if I know myelf. Hope you are enjoying my story. Like always dont be afraid to commet.  :D 

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