Jealous Bitch.

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A few days later, SharkKun was bored.  He decided to go to the strip club, because why not? He walked in, and sat down. A (hot) waitress brought him a glass of wine along with some mini sandwiches. He then watches some of the strippers.

Izzy was one. She was the first one SharkKun noticed, but Izzy didn't notice him. She just continued doing what strippers do I guess.

SharkKun's eyes were obviously glued on Izzy. It had only been two to three days after they knew each other, but he already liked her... a lot.

After a few hours, Izzy's shift ended and another girl took her place and she took a seat to rest.

AlKun (the Alien guy in the chapter picture) walks up to Izzy, and winks with a seductive smirk.

Izzy looks at AlKun and smiles awkwardly.

SharkKun watches AlKun and Izzy in anger, he's pissed the fuck off.

AlKun starts to flirt with Izzy.

IZzy blushes at AlKun's stupid but flirtatious remarks.

SharkKun decides he's had enough of it. He crushes the glass of wine and storms over to Izzy and AlKun.

Both AlKun and Izzy look at SharkKun. Although Izzy gets a bit happy at the sight of him, but AlKun gets pretty mad.

SharkKun glares at AlKun. "DONT FLIRT WITH MY GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

AlKun scoffs and walks off with his arms crossed.

Izzy looks at SharkKun, flustered and confused. "G-Gf..?"

SharkKun sighs and shakes his head. "No. I just don't want a player flirting with you. He's hurt many people and broken their hearts."

Izzy just nods and continues doing what she was doing.

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