☆ 7 - A Body has been Discovered! ☆

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I'm sure you guys just came here to read chapter 7, but I seriously wanted to thank you guys. I didn't think this book would get so many reads so quickly ;;

This is gonna be short, btw since I'm uploading this the day that school starts
:(( I'm sorry for making y'all wait!!

(Y/N)'s POV

I stared at the monitor as it went black, shocked. "A body? That bear thing can't be serious, I'm sure he's just trying to trick us for some reason." I mumbled to myself, knowing I was growing closer and closer to a panic attack. Kokichi shuffled around on the other side of the room, causing me to look at him. He was already at his feet, both hands beside his head. The short male looked oddly relaxed, which terrified me. "Come on, (Y/N). You don't wanna find out what happens if we don't follow Monokuma's orders, do you?" The ending sounded like a question, but the slightly twisted grin on Kokichi's face made it seem more like a threat of some kind. I stood up, trying to keep myself calm as I followed Kokichi out of the room, him still keeping a stupid grin on his face.

Almost upon going down the stairs to where the library was, I heard a few voices as well as a few footsteps. Upon walking into the library itself, I saw everyone else was already there, except Rantaro. I began walking down towards the back of the room, where Kaede, Shuichi, and a few others seemed frozen in place. "Hey, I see mostly everyone else here. Where's -" I lost my voice as I turned the corner and saw the body on the floor. Rantaro's dead, lifeless body. Yeah, sure, I'd seen people get shot right in front of my eyes before, but... seeing an actual dead body was a first for me. I covered my mouth to stop myself from losing whatever food was still in my stomach as I turned my head away from the sight.

"Hey, (Y/N), don't look at it. It's okay. Look away." Kokichi said soothingly as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I sort of froze at the contact as it was something unusual for me before seconds later I was practically melting into it, burying my head into the nook of his neck. I didn't trust Kokichi at all, as he seemed to be a massive liar and his ultimate was literally being a supreme leader, but... maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He was the one comforting me, after all. I heard Kaede's voice, followed by Shuichi's and later Kaito's, but I wasn't paying attention. I was trying to stop myself from going into a full blown panic attack. I honestly couldn't figure out why anyone else wasn't panicking - I thought for sure that Himiko and Miu were the types to break down at the sight of this - but everyone else seemed rather silent.

After a few minutes, I lifted my head again as I was still taking deep breaths, trying to keep myself calm. I turned so I wouldn't be able to see the body out of the corner of my eye as I looked at Kokichi. I mustered a small smile before mumbling a,"Thanks.", and walking towards one of the corners of the library. Rantaro's body was hidden by some more bookshelves, so luckily I wasn't able to see it from where I was now standing. The Ultimate Supreme Leader stood next to me, probably out of support. "You should feel soooooo grateful right now! Me, THE Kokichi Oma, just helped you out! You basically owe me a favor now y'know." Kokichi said playfully, his usual mischievous grin back on his face. "Oh, shut up, you gremlin. I regret letting you touch me." I muttered as I crossed my arms. "(Y/N)! Your words are practically breaking my heart! How could you be so mean?" He replied, drawing out the 'a' in mean. I rolled my eyes before letting a small laugh out.

"Um, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but can we ask you two where you were prior to... the murder occurring?" The pianist asked as she made her way towards us, Shuichi following behind her. I nodded as I faced her,"oh, we were-" "We were making out in (Y/N)'s room before the whole ... 'body announcement' thing ruined the mood." Kokichi said, quite loudly as he cut me off, smirking. My face went completely red. 'Why the fuck is he lying about this-???' I thought as he put both hands behind his head before continuing. "(Y/N)'s not a very good kis-" "shut the fuck up, Kokichi, we were NOT making out. He picked the lock to my door and just let himself in and wouldn't leave." I stated as Shuichi sighed and Kaede just laughed quietly, probably - and hopefully - assuming my version was the truth.

Kaede turned towards me, completely disregarding Kokichi now,"So, you can confirm you two were together at the time of the murder? Did anyone see Kokichi pick your lock?" "Gonta did!" The bugboy spoke up, a smile on his face. "On Gonta's way to the movie room, Gonta saw Kokichi trying to pick (Y/N)'s lock! Gonta swears!" Gonta said, now confirming our story. "Yeah, and the lock on my door probably doesn't work anymore, so..." I mumbled, glaring at Kokichi by the end of my sentence.

For the next few hours, a few students chose to 'investigate' the murder in order to find out what happened in preparation for the class trial. I couldn't get near the body as of right now, though, as I didn't want to be panicking, especially in the middle of a killing game. Panta Boy stuck with me the entire time, trying to make jokes as to... I think, at least, try to distract me from what was happening. It did keep my mind off things for a while, and Kokichi and I eventually moved to the dining hall to try and relax a bit in our situation. Things weren't going too bad, actually, until the monitors turned back on.

"AAAAlright! It's time for what you've all been waiting for - the class trial! Please assemble in front of the Shrine of Judgement in the courtyard! Remember that red door surrounded by plants? It's just on the other side. From there, you'll be escorted to a deeeeelightful class trial! Puhuhuhu! See you all there!"

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