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[02]. KEEP ME IN 

━━━━━━━━━━━━❛ I'M PROUD OF YOU ❜┗━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━┛ 

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ON AN LATE saturday evening, charli and caila walk down to the tennis court in their neighborhood. charli was in the mood for some pictures and caila was happy to take them. the two got a few side glances from the older people in the neighborhood.

the girls walked very closely and subconsciously, under the pressure of the criticizing glares, shifted a little further away from each other until the looks were turned away. both girls had hot red cheeks as they looked at each other.

"i reached 71 million on tiktok." charli stated randomly. caila gasped, "seriously?" charli nodded with a small smile. "i'm proud of you," caila grinned. the girls reached the tennis court which was thankfully empty.

"let's take them over here." charli said. her and caila walked to where the sun shone vibrantly on the blue and green arrays with white lines of the tennis court. caila pulled out her phone, charli loved to use the camera since it was supposedly better than her own.

then charli, like a natural, began striking poses looking cute as ever. she ran her hands through her hair and tiled her head every which way. sometimes she smiled other times she winked. every now and then she'd stick out her tongue and throw up a peace sign.

caila laughed at a few of her girlfriend's poses in the midst of her hyping charli up. charli would get embarrassed and her cheeks would shift to a bright red and she'd laugh softly and look down. then caila would reassure her that it was fine and that she liked when charli was being a goofball.

then they switch, because charli just insisted, and charli took caila's photos. charli always said that caila should invest more of her time in social media because she'd make a great social media personality and caila always declined because the internet was too toxic for her.

after that, charli set the phone up against one of the posts of the tennis net and put the timer on. they'd take a million burst photos and charli would put them all into a folder labeled 'ME && CAILA👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩✨' which literally had 36 thousand photos in it.

after photos were taken, charli would put her arm around caila, not worried about the looks of others since she was in such a good mood, and the two would walk home together laughing at the photos they'd taken.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏 𝐌𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓, charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now