Besties for life

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Raven's POV:
I wake up to my alarm, ugh I really don't feel like going to classes to day. Before I even have the chance the door slams open and in comes Luna with a smile on her face. She runs over to me and jumps into my bed.
"Time to wake up Reyes" she says and tries to get up from my bed.
"I was going to get up you know" I say and pulls her down so she has to struggle again.
"Oh really" she says as she gets up from my bed. She start to pull my leg, she gets me out of bed and she just smiles.
"CAN YOU SHUT UP RAVEN I'M TRYING TO SLEEP" Octavia shouts from her room.
"Just get ready, we have a lot to do today" Luna says as she leave my room and closes the door behind her. I love that I live together with my best friends, like they are the best. I get up from the floor and starts to walk over to my wardrobe. I decide to wear a pair of high waist black jeans and a pink crop top with a big heart on. Before I walk downstairs I walk over to O's room.
"Hey biatch, time to wake up. Classes starts soon" I say and throw a shoe into her bed.
"You are a pain in the ass Reyes" O says jokingly.
"Yeah yeah I know, but seriously hurry, we don't want to be late. Mr Kane will kill us" I say to the half sleeping girl in the room.
"He's such a sofite, he won't do that" O says and gets out of bed.
I walk over to Clarke's room to find it empty, I realize pretty quickly where she is. She's at Lexa's. They are so cute together I can't even.

"Is that everybody?" Mr Kane asks.
"Well get seated, we are going to talk about Ancient Rome today" he says and about half the class sighs, including me.
"I know, I know you are tired. But we have finals in about three months and about half the class really need to shape up" Mr Kane said, he was kind of angry but I didn't think much of it.
Class ended and I walk out of the classroom, I'm stopped by a taller guy. He stands in front of me a refuse to let me pass.
"Reyes" He says with a smirk.
"Finn get out of my way" I say trying to pass him but he won't let me.
"No way Reyes, not until you apologize to me. Not until you admit it's all you fault" he says smiling, I think he enjoys to scare people.
"Hey, uglyface. Leave her alone" A familiar voice shouts.
"Or what bitchface" he yells and turn around to face Luna.
"Or else you'll get hurt, after all your just a bench warmer" she says to his face. I can see him explode.
"WHAT did you just say" he says aggressively.
"You're just a bench warmer Collins" she says so confident. He goes for a punch but misses then Luna knocks him out with one punch. She grabs my arm and leads me to the rest of the group.
"That took a long time, what were you doing. Perhaps making out?"O says with a big smile on her face.
"Only in your dreams Octavia" Luna says laughing. I just sit there quiet, I think about what Finn did to me. We used to date, he got abusive and stared to hit me a lot. My friends were there for me but no one really saw my pain, all expect for Luna. She helped me the most during that time. She's my closest friend, I don't know what I would do without her.
"You okay?" Lincoln ask me. I don't hear him. I'm to deep into my thoughts.
"Hey, are you okay?" Luna ask and I snaps out of my thoughts.
"Yeah fine" I say, I know Luna doesn't believe me but she leaves me until we're alone.
The bell rings and we walk up to class, we have social studies with Mrs Green. I walk into the classroom taking a seat by the window a bit away from the girls.
"Hey come sit here Raven" Clarke says. I ignore her.
I can hear that they are talking about me.
"What's gong on with her?" O said concerned.
"Yeah, did something happen?" I hear Clarke say. I prepare for the worst.
"I don't know, maybe she's just tired" Luna says knowing that is not the case. She looks over at me, she gives me a 'you ok' look, I ignore her.

Luna's POV:
I'm concerned about Raven, I think what happened earlier with Finn has her feeling down. I don't want that ass near her, she's my best friend. I would never let anyone hurt her. She is ignoring all of us, including me. That's when I know that it is something serious going on in her mind. I just sit and watch her whole class, I don't even pay attention to Mrs Green. I just pay attention to Raven, she's so beautiful and smart. Why can't she see that. I just want to hold her in my arms, tell her that everything will be alright. But I can't do that in the middle of class, that would bring to much attention to us.

Octavia's POV:
I notice that something is up with Raven but I don't quite know what, Luna says that she's probably tired. I can imagine that she looks like she hasn't slept all night. Poor thing, I hope she's okay.

Raven's POV:
I sit in class trying to pay attention to Mrs Green but I can't. I watch the trees and the sky outside he window. Then I hear my name and I snap out of my trans.
"Raven" Mrs Green says, I look up to her.
"Yeah" I say, everyone is looking at me, I feel so embarrassed.
"Can you answer the question?" She ask me.
"Um, um uh no, sorry" I say, everyone is looking. I can hear someone laugh.
"Pay more attention next time" she says.
"Clarke can you answer the question" she asks.
"Yeah" and so Clarke goes on. She's the smart on, of course she can answer the question.
Class I over and it's lunch time, I walk over to the others, they're sitting by the cars laughing and eating their lunch. I smile as I walk up to them.
"What's with the big smile" Murphy asks and throws a fry on me.
"Just happy to see my friends that all" I say eating the fry he throw at me.
"Hey come here" Harper says and scotch over so I can sit down. How did I get so lucky. I have the best friends in the world. Luna looks over at me.
"Are you ok?" She mouths. I nod and smile. She smiles back at me, well I'm definitely better now. That smile truly can heal someone. God she's gorgeous, no Raven. She's you best friend you can't think like that. But I can think my friends are gorgeous can't I? Yes I can, but no her. Yes I can, stop it Raven. Put you thoughts together.

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