Lilo Getting Braces (Request for VictoriaVanorden2)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

Louis and Liam were dating, and they both also had to get braces. They had went to their consultation appointments and gotten everything settled, and it was finally time to get them on. They had opted for clear braces, and they were also getting them on the same day. Liam was sitting in the dental chair, and Louis was sitting next to him. Louis could feel Liam's hand shaking in his. "It's okay, love," Louis said. Louis wasn't afraid to get his braces, but Liam was terrified. "I don't want to do it!" Liam said, and Louis held Liam's close. "It's okay, babe," Louis said as he tried to comfort his distraught boyfriend. "No, it's terrifying!" Liam said still not calming down. Louis held Liam's other hand, and got him to look him in the eyes. "I am going to be right here the whole time," Louis said, and they were interrupted by the orthodontist walking in. "Hi boys!" he said, and he knew Liam was not a fan of the dentist/ orthodontist. "Hi!" Louis said, and Liam's heart started beating way harder than before. "Are we ready to get your braces on?" the orthodontist asked as he got the stuff set up. "I am, I don't think Liam here is," Louis said, and the orthodontist frowned. "I promise none of this hurts! The most pain you'll get is just them being sore for a few days while you are getting used to them," he explained, but it wasn't enough to help Liam calm down.

The orthodontist moved over to the chair and slid his gloves on. "Okay, Liam, you ready?" he asked, and Liam shook his head 'no.' "How can we make you feel more comfortable?" the orthodontist asked, and Liam had tears start running down his face. "I have an idea. Louis, do you want to go first since you aren't afraid?" the orthodontist asked, and Louis nodded. "Sure!" he said knowing it would help for Liam to see it doesn't hurt. Liam stood up and Louis swapped spots with him, and Liam held Louis' hand as the orthodontist leaned him back. "Okay, I'm just going to put this cheek retractor in," the orthodontist said, and he slid it into Louis' mouth. Liam had a slight smirk cause it looked silly, and Louis was glad Liam was feeling a little better (even though Liam snapped a sneaky picture of him). "Alright, I'll just clean your teeth really well. I'll apply the brackets, the wire, and then the rubber bands," the orthodontist said, and Louis nodded as the orthodontist got started. After cleaning his teeth well, he started laying down the glue to hold the brackets on. He secured the brackets and made sure the glue was nice and dry, and then he started fitting the wire onto the brackets. "Nearly done," the orthodontist said as he started putting on the clear rubber bands. Liam watched carefully the whole time, and even from the chair, Louis was rubbing his thumb over Liam's hand to let him know he was okay. "Great! They're done!" the orthodontist said setting Louis up, and he handed him a mirror. "Oh wow! They're almost invisible!" Louis said as he inspected the new gadgets in his mouth. "Yeah! You can honestly barely tell they are there!" the orthodontist said, and Louis smiled for Liam to see. "They look cool!" Liam said, and Louis stood up. "I'm glad you like them! Time to get a pair of your own," Louis said, and Liam's stomach turned, but he got into the chair anyway.

"I promise it's nothing. It's just a little tight now, nothing hurts at all," Louis said, and Liam got leaned back in the chair. "Lou," he said reaching for Louis, and Louis held his hand. "Relax, baby. You're totally fine," Louis said, and Liam made sure to watch the orthodontist carefully. "Okay, this is just the cheek retractor," he said, and Liam squeezed Louis' hand as the orthodontist started near him. "Relax. Close your eyes," Louis said, and Liam closed his eyes. The orthodontist made sure to tell him everything he was doing as he repeated the process, and Louis stayed right beside him comforting him the whole time. "Okay, Liam! All done!" the orthodontist said, and Liam looked at them in the mirror. "That wasn't so bad. You can't tell they are there," Liam said. "See? Piece of cake," Louis smiled, and Liam showed him his braces. "They look awesome, babe!" Louis said, and Liam smiled feeling much better now that everything was done. After giving them care instructions and their supplies, the orthodontist let them leave, and the two of them went home to cuddle and take a nap together.

Other special requests, continued. (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now