go baby girl

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A few days have passed since then and many girls have been trying to date Beomgyu, he is getting more and more popular and has less and less time for me. We have a new student in our class I'm excited to find out who he is when I get to school.

(Lia pov)
I wake up by my alarm, it's 6:30am. Ugh why does school have to start so early in the morning? I turn off my alarm and get up out of bed. I walk over to the bathroom to take a shower afterwards I go to my closet and look for my school uniform, after about a few minutes of looking I find it. I go and get changed now, after I got into my school uniform I went back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I pack my school bag and walk out my front door. as I was walking to school I bumped into Beomgyu, I stare at him for a little while, enjoying the AMAZING veiw. We say hi and he hurried off, I watch as he runs into the distance. I snap back into reality, And started thinking how I can get him to love me back. I was thinking for a little while with no good ideas until I see a knife randomly on the footpath. I finaly had a good idea, it was more than good, it was AMAZING, FABULOUSE, THE BEST IDEA I'VE HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I walked over to the knife picking it up, "fate must have brought us together little one, now hush." Lia  said and then laughs psychotically. I put it in my bag and continue walking to school. I check my phone noticing the time "oh crap I'm going to be late" I say and start running. I get into my classroom just in time. Phew.
I see this person I've never seen before, huh? Is that the new kid?

The teacher comes in and tells the new kid to introduce himself.
"Hello I'm bob and I'm a genderless alien" he starts and everyone starts laughing and making fun of him he looks down at the ground embraced and walks to the empty seat next to me.

(Time skip to luch time)

I waited near the janitors closet as I usually do waiting for my friends. as I get a text from ryujin saying she's not coming in today and our other friends arn't too. I sigh disapointedly and start walking to the cafeteria. I didnt feel like eating today so I just sat at the table my friends and I normally sit at. You were deep in thought when sudenly Bob comes up to me "hey, is this seat taken?" He asked "no, you can sit there" I replied, he sits down and introduces himself and I introduce myself too. An awkwerd silence washes over us. "Uh...I have to go sorry, bye" I said and left not waiting for a respons.

I see Beomgyu and Krystal again. Ugh i hate her so much, lucky I have the knife in my bag, huh? I won't have to deal with her shit ever again, neither will Beomgyu oppa!

(Time skip again😊)

I wait till after school to come, it feels like an eternity, its nearly the end of the day now! The bell finaly rings and we get dissmissed, I feel adrenaline going through my body. I can't believe I am actually going to do this. I feel really nervous and scared. I don't think this is a good idea,  but i have to finish what I have started, after Beomgyu wiol not live me unless I do this. it's the right thing to do. I try to comfort myself but it's no use, I still feel this sence of uncertanty and doubt.

I grab my bag from my locker . I see Krystal, I run after her "hey, can you follow me for a second? I need your help" I asked Krystal agrees to come, I wait a few minutes making sure all the sudents leave and take her to a part in the school were no one ever goes. We get there and she says "so.  what do you want help with?" I turn around ignoring her question and takes the knife out of my bag secretally. A psychotc smile is plasterd upon my lips, I turn around, Krystal looks at me with a confused expression on her face. "hey put that down! don't joke around with knifes! " she said. I got closer to her and she backed away I kept walking towards her and she kept walking backwards. until she hit the wall. She started to panic I get closer bringing the knife closer to her too. At this point it was basically right up agains her stomach. She screams loudly in terror, "it's no use no one is here" i informed her, with no emotion in your voice "LET GO OF ME YOU FREAK!!!!!" she screamed, I was holding her up against the wall "NO AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed even louder, her voice echoing. It is time. I hesitate at first, but then stab her in her stomach she falls to the ground screaming in pain I stabbed her some more and finaly she was loosing life. She was crying, screaming and there was blood everywhere she finaly dies, I grabbed the broom close to me and poked her, she didn't move. Than I checked her pulse, she is dead. I stand up

I come back to reality and see her lifeless body lying on the cold hard floor infront of me "oh no...what have I done" I screamed at myself falling to my knees, I cry. "It's too late now..why, why did I have to be so fucking stupid" I continued yelling at myself.

I finally get myself together. The damage has already been done, it's too late. I stand up draging Krystals body somewhere to hide it, I see a bin, heh? What a coincidence? I throw her inside it and clean up all of the mess and evidence. I change into a spare pare of clothes and put the bloody uniform into my bag.

I walk home feeling guilty for what I had just done. I got home and had a shower and put my pjs on. I hop into bed and cry myself to sleep.

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