Payback's A Bitch

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Neon lights and blue smoke welcomed Karlie into the recently inaugaurated club, that Marco had invited her to. It had to be one of his most sucessful business ventures, given by the looks on the faces of sweaty teens, who were grinding against each other and downing drinks as if it were water.

Too bad it's not gonna see tomorrow, Karlie thought to herself as Aaron guided her through the club, making their way upstairs when the manager signalled them to. All of her men followed her, armed with guns and extra bullets should they feel the need to protect her. Not that Karlie was unable to wield a gun, but being a face for L'Oreal Paris and a Victoria's Secret model; it would raise many eyebrows if she went on a rampage in a nightclub, full of hormonal teenagers and blonde strippers.

"Time since we met you, Miss Kloss!"

Marco boomed out of nowhere, once they entered the VVIP lounge. The room was bathed in green light and a stage, that held a couple of strippers who were wrapping their legs around the poles. Black leather couches and waiters in bow ties were a given, Karlie realized once she shook hands with the dealer. His ruffled hair, and a bald patch showing off the back of his head; Karlie couldn't help but be disgusted by his appearance. She always was.

"This way."

Marco led her and the group towards Erica, who was sitting by herself on the couch, occassionally glancing at the strippers that her father had hired. Two men sat opposite to her, supposed bodyguards to be; who had colored mocktails placed in front of them. The Frenchman sure knew how to keep his servants happy.

Upon seeing the model, the burly looking men stood up and made their way to the back of the room and in front of the doors. They had been made aware of the fact that some important business propositions were going to be discussed and if interrupted, they were free to fire as they wished.

Karlie sat down beside Erica, her legs propped over each other. She couldn't help but note how hard the girl had been trying to catch her attention - dressed in a leather skirt and crop top, just the way Karlie liked it. But that wasn't her purpose to visit the men today. She had evil plotting against her peace of mind, a devious plan to carry out amd revenge to sort.

That was probably one of the many things that made Karlie dangerous - once lost out on reason, she was ready to take up drastic steps, even if those happened to hurt people in her way. She hardly cared, but for those she did, she swore to protect them from all that could potentially harm them.

Erica, upon noticing that the model had settled down, put her phone back inside her clutch and looked up at her father. A raise of the eyebrows and she understood that she had to satisfy Karlie, in all ways that she could ask for, primarily sexual. Laying an arm around the girl, Karlie turned slightly to face her, her hazel eyes glinting upon catching onto the shades of chocolate brown.

"Anything new I missed out upon?"

Karlie whispered, as the younger girl inched closer; her fingers twisting into a smirk once she realized that the model was probably single, after her split from that country singer.

"Mmm... Not much, I guess. Though there's stuff you ought to catch up on."

The French girl replied, a frown shaping up on her sharp features. She knew that she had to be on guard after everything that had been done - she herself had hurt Taylor, after Alex and Mark had caught up with the singer in the deserted alleyway. Her father had of course, put her upto it after the deal with LeMarchal had been closed.

"Oh, really? What stuff?"

Karlie asked, interrupting her thoughts not before she picked up a glass of gin martini, offered to her by a waiter, carrying drinks for all of them.

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