Chapter 8

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A day passed, but Moonbyul still hasn't woken up.

"The fact that she hasn't showered after all the bleeding and sweating disgusts me." Solar looked at the doorway to see Hwasa standing there.

"I don't know how to clean her up. She has more wounds than this.

"Dang. How is she still alive? Or... is she still alive?" Solar pressed two fingers on her neck.

"She is."

"The fact that you had to check-"

"Either way, I wouldn't know what to do." Hwasa sighed.

"Is how she got shot still a mystery?"

"No. I know why."

"Finally figured it out after clearing up your head?"

"Mhm. I was supposed to get shot. But she saw and shot the person who was trying to shoot me. Unfortunately, the person already pulled the trigger."

"So she got shot to protect you?"

"I guess."

"Ha. Looks like your unrequited love isn't one-sided."

"I'm sure she would've done it for any of us."

"She would. I mean, she could've just left Wheein in the toxic gas to save herself, but she didn't. But it wasn't just taking a bullet for you, Unnie."

"What do you mean?"

"She kept glancing at you, running over to you, smiling whenever she saw you were doing well... she didn't do the same for me."

"Maybe you didn't see because I didn't notice her looking at me either."

"Maybe." Hwasa shrugged. "You need to get something to eat, Unnie. You haven't left her room since you showered last night."

"Hey, I got out earlier to brush my teeth and wash my face."

"But you need to eat."

"Later." Solar smiled at her. Hwasa sighed and nodded. She got out of Moonbyul's room and met up with Wheein at the kitchen.

"Still no appetite?" Hwasa shook her head.

"I guess thinking about the possibility of Byul Unnie dying took a toll on her."

"Of course it would. I mean, how would you feel if the person you loved the most almost died right in front of you?" Wheein asked, before realizing her mistake. "Wait-"

"Heartbroken, of course. I'd want to save them. But at least Byul Unnie has a chance. Some people don't." Wheein looked at her sadly.

"Isn't it horrible how our coping mechanism is joking?" She chuckled. "Byul Unnie had a river of blood coming out of her stomach and we kept making jokes about her dying."

"I'm sure she'd do the same if we were in her position."

"Nah, she's way smarter than we think she is. She'd probably know what to do, unlike us."

"True. Especially if it was Yongsun Unnie."

"If it was Yongsun Unnie, she'd probably have a heart attack first." Wheein chuckled.

"I'm surprised Yongsun Unnie didn't have a heart attack after Byul Unnie got shot."


"She just kept crying. She did panic though. At least she calmed down."

Solar unwrapped the bandage around Moonbyul's waist and threw it in the trash. She unrolled a new one and wrapped it around her. She buttoned her shirt back up and laid her head back on her pillow.

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