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"They're gonna get lost".

Everyone, except young Harry, either laughed or chuckled.

"What's so funny!" The 15-year-old raven haired boy said with annoyance.

It just made everybody in the room laugh even more. Harry Potter has always been the most impulsive boy ever.

"Well considering that 'Mione probably didn't hear any of that, we're doomed. You're the only one that heard the instructions and you got them wrong!" Said Draco with a slight laugh.

Soon the elder blonde's face turned more remorseful. They were gonna get lost and take longer to get them. "Ugh. Because Harry's too much of a prat, they're gonna take twice as long to find the turner. If it even exists!"

"Didn't he say he's been there before? Have a little faith on him" defended Ginny.

"Well... the first and last time we were there, it wasn't to have a cup of tea and scones." Said big Ron while eating a sandwich. The man just had breakfast too! Hermione was shaking her head in disapproval while hold a little Hugo in her lap.

"We didn't get to see much apart from that one room with a chandelier and the dungeons" said the future ginger with a frown on his face at the memory.

"Why were you guys in the Malfoy Manor dungeons?" Said Sirius curious as to what troubles his godson will get himself in later in life.

"I'd rather not talk about that" said Draco. Just as the others were going to ask 'why not', James stood up.

"Hey, Papa?"
"Since we're in the past our wands don't have the trackers right?" Said the boy with a smirk that reminded them all of Draco's.
"James, what are you pla—"

Draco was cut off by his son disapparating from the room.

"JAMES! Oh what is this boy up to this time"

"Your brother's really something huh" said Bill towards the rest of the Malfoy-Potter kids. "It's okay to say he's an idiot. We know". Said little Lily making a few chuckle.

"Well, this has been wonderful. However, I have other matters to attend to. Do owl me before your departure, Mr. Malfoy, so I can cast the spell." Said the Headmaster while standing up and walking towards the floo.

Moody too left a little while later since he had nothing to do there.

Soon after the ex DADA professor left, a thud was heard from upstairs as if something fell. Everyone went to go see the source of the noice. Once they arrived the suspicion a few had was proven correct. James has apparated into the second floor.

"Owwww...." mumbled the boy while hunching over. "I don't think apparating is my thing."

"Hey, Draco?"
"Yes Teddy?"
"I know it's not exactly the time but... am I still getting paid for babysitting? I mean, it wasn't really MY fault we got stuck in the past".

Draco just looked at him.
"Yeah okay" said Teddy, his lips now in a thin line.

"If what James said is true—" "—we can use magic!" Said the 2019 Weasley twins with a hint of mischievousness in their eyes.

"Wait, kids!" Started Ron but it was too late. The twins started making things float and throwing tripping jinxs at each other. Mrs. Weasley was looking at the kids and she could see her own children in them.

Eventually chaos broke out and all the children were playing some muggle chasing game since not everyone could use their wands. They were really trying hard and were wearing themselves out. Even Sirius was taking the game seriously and had teamed up with Lily and Roxanne.

Scorpius, who was a chaser, caught one of the 'original' Weasley twins. "Got you!, uncle... Fred?" He said unsure.

"Fred?! How can you not know your own uncle!" Said the ginger dramatically.
"I'm sorry uncle George! You look so alike and you still have your ear!" Said the boy in panic.

Hermione, who saw the exchange, shook her head, "Fred! Stop messing with the kid!"
"Oh but Hermione, where's the fun in that!"

"And what did you say about my ear?" Said the actual George popping in out of nowhere.
"Um... you don't have it..."

"Well... you just had to be different!" Said Fred elbowing his currently identical brother. "Why of course! Who'd want to look like you for so long!"

"You're out!" Yelled Rose after tapping George. She too had been a chaser.

"Well, since we're both out. Wanna make both Rons lose?" 
"Do you have to ask?"

While the kids were playing Draco, Molly, Bill, and Victoire were sitting on the couches enjoying some tea.

Victoire was telling the younger version of her father and grandmother about her two siblings and how her uncles Charlie and Percy were doing. In the middle of the conversation the two-way mirror starts showing a sheepishly looking Harry.

"Hey, Sweetheart..." said the raven haired man while fiddling with his glasses.

"Hello, is there anything you need? Found the office yet?" Draco said smirking.
"Okay, we need your help. I think we took a wrong turn somewhere."

"Okay, show me your surroundings" ordered the blonde and his husband did as told. After observing their surroundings Draco sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Harry, love. You're in the NORTH Wing!"

Well, this story's coming to an end. Next chapter will be the last!


I'm running out of story material—I'm not creative.

Thank you for reading this! Seriously!

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