Chapter Two

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Lynn's pov
My alarm goes off on my bedside table. I groan loudly and pull the covers over my head.I fall back asleep again then am woken by my phone ringing...I pick up but before I can say anything...

"Heeeeeey girrrl where are you at?" I flinch and take off the phone from my ear.  That was Lily's sharp and excited voice..

"Heey Lilly  am on bed trying to get me some decent sleep before you ruined it" I hiss back.

"Take it easy miss grumpy... my cousin just visited and since its saturday I thought it was okay to invite you over to ours and hang out with us for a few hours" she says on the other end.

"Okay Immah go tell my dad about it and see if its okay then I'll text you if I'll come over okay?"I tell her.

"Okay" she huffs.

I take that as cue to get off the bed. I wrap my robe around my body and go to the bathroom brush my teeth and take a quick shower. I  put on a little make up,a skater skirt.. mid thigh and an off  the shoulder top. I put on my flat ankle boots  and descend the stairs to go to the Kitchen.Firstly I dressed like this to piss off my dad.I love spoiling his mood a lot.So it was show time. When I get to the kitchen.. my mum is seated on a stool staring at the backyard....
"Good morning mother? Where is dad?"
I get no answer and go hug her from behind. "What did he do to you this time uh?" Still no answer.

I run upstairs to their room yelling my Dad's name. "Dad! Dad! Daad open up. What did you do to her? Havent you messed her up enough yet? Dont you hear me? Dont be a lame ass coward old man open up!!" I yell as I pound on the door hard enough that my knuckles are turning red.There's no answer so I storm in but he isnt in there either. Where the fuck could he have gone to this early? I walk back to the kitchen pretty disturbed wondering what he did to her.I regret taking those fucking sleeping pills the previous night. You must wonder why? I cant fucking get some peaceful sleep. The reasons are just a long list but we save that story for another day.

"Am sorry I wont make it today.. my mum is unwell and my dad is at work. say hi to Luke and your cousin. See you tommorrow in really sorry."  I compose the message and hit send.

My  phone beeps and its Lilly's reply... "its okay lyy... she has to come first before anything else.wish her a quick recovery for me. See you tommorrow."

I walk back to where my mum is seated and hop on the kitchen counter.
"Mummy look at me in the eyes" She hesitates but eventually does. All I see in her eyes is brokenness, a darkness,hurt. "Mummy talk to me. He is out he wont hurt you" I hop off the counter walk towards her and embrace her in a hug as tears roll out of my eyes. I promised myself to be strong for her but this is just too much. Seeing her like this breaks every damn wall I've built around my heart.

"My baby..." she sniffles. "Its getting worse by the day. He will kill me before we know it. Am not sure I can take it anymore. I dont know who will be my saviour..." she breaks down into a sob.

"I will be your saviour mama... I wont let him kill you mummy. Whatever it takes I will save you from his deadly claws.." before I could go any further the front door yanks open and in storms my heartless sorry excuse of a father. Seems someone is in a bad mood I wonder what happened to our pastor.
"You worthless swines...what uh? Ganging up on me? What? You wannah do an expose' on me? Comeon talk are you dumb?" He was yelling at us and my mum just went stiff. She didnt even move a limb. She was so scared of him. She was recently diagonised with the Bipolar disorder and instead of taking care of her all my dad is good at is tormenting her... mentally,emotionally and physically at times. She doesnt deserve the kind of treatment she gets from her vert own husband.

I on the other hand was shaking and begging him to stop but he was not up for a gentle conversation. He smacked me so hard on the face I went sprawling on the floor. He grabbed my head by the hair and dragged me to the basement not even being affected by my frail screams on how he was hurting me. When we head to the basement... I know of only one thing. The thing I dread the most. Pain not just the phyisical but mainly the emotional. This basement has changed me drastically. And sadly its an unfortunate day for me though am a little bit glad he didnt tag my mum along with me.

"You little dirty whore. Ready to fail me. Ready to show people how I have failed as a pastor and as a father. Raising a little slut in my house. Who was you dressed like that for uh?" He keeps ranting on and on. He opens the dark basement cuffs me to the chains on the wall. My legs were heavily shaking for what was about to come. I knew pretty well what to expect because this was the umpteenth time suffering in the hands of my cruel father in this basement.

He would whip me unconscious. But dont understimate this asshole he would go for my back and a little below my knees. There he'd whip me as a way of forcing me to wear long dresses and skirts and not so tight trousers like everyother communionship girl because I'd be covering the marks he keeps branding me with. He wouldnt go for the butt because people in church would wonder why I couldnt sit properly and for the face? He wouldnt dare because everyone would wonder what and who  assaulted the pastor's daughter. With my dad it was always about what people would say. He didnt care about anything else apart from his public image. His reputation.

After being whipped for close to half an hour... my back was all in pain and my legs couldnt even stand.My throat was sore from crying and my eyes were swollen and puffy. My head was thudding with pain and I knew I wouldnt last longer I'd passout..but before my eyes could shut completely.. the basement door opened and my mum came rushing to me. I gave a faint smile but it was shortlived because she slapped me so hard and I couldnt hold it together anymore so I let the darkness that was begging to overtake me just do it.

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