1- The Store

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Journal walked around the store, wondering where the employees had put the items he required. He seemed to have looked in every aisle, but nothing.

"Ugh... You'd think that this would be easier- it's not even something unusual this time-" He mumbles under his breath.

He turns the corner to go into the next aisle, but bumps into something.... Well... Someone....
They appeared to be some sort of blueish fabric, tied up at the back- They appeared to be crying.

"O-oh! S-sorry!" they say to journal, sniffling.
"Oh, don't worry, it's quite alright." Journal replied, dusting nonexistent dust off of himself. He looked at the fabric. They were facing him, but weren't looking at his face. It was almost like they were looking at his hand???

"Er... What are you looking at, if i may ask....?" He says, trying not to be mean or anything- it just seemed odd.
"O-oh- I-im blind... Sorry if i seemed to be looking anywhere weird or s-something..." they wiped their tears a bit, "U-um, you seem very nice.. I'm kind of on my own.... I feel lost... Can you help me...?"

"Lost? Well, do you know you are in a store...?"
"Oh- I-i am? O-oh jeez..." She starts crying even more. Journal sighs.
"You may come with me if you would like, since i cannot find what i was shopping for."
"R-really!? That would be so helpful thank you!!"
"...My pleasure..." It wasn't really like Journal to offer assistance to strangers, but she was blind, and upset. And maybe, she could be a future test subject... It'd be nice to be known as the one who discovered the cure for blindness...
The fabric clung onto him, and he assumed it was a hug. He wasn't very comfortable, but he let them do it for a short while.

"What is your name, if i may ask?" Journal asks, slightly pushing the fabric away from him.
"B-blindfold! What's yours...?"
"Journal. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Hehe!" She already seemed to have brightened up.
"Anyways, let us get to my home. Don't want to get spammed called by my housemates-"

"You'll meet them soon enough."

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