6- Will I ever go home...

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"How's finding my house going :D??" Blindfold asks, laying back on Journals bed as he used the computer.

"Surprisingly, harder than I had originally thought. There are quite a few feathers and bandanas in the area..."

"Buuut you'll still find it right...?"

"Hopefully, yes."

Blindfold's flaps went down a little bit, Journal didn't sound all too sure about that at all... Was she ever going to get home? 

It had been at least a week by now... Wouldnt Barbed be looking for her?

Blindfold shook her head, she had to focus on the positives. She made so many new friends! Everyone in the house was so nice to her, even if they kept saying stuff about her and Journal. Stuff she didn't really understand either. 

And Journal himself! He was very sweet. She could tell he had trouble with affection, but he seemed to be warming up to her hugs!

Journal turned off his computer, pinching the area between his eyes and sighing. Blindfold perked up, wondering why.

"This is... Quite exhausting... Hey, Would you like to do something fun?"

"Fun? Sure! :D!!"

Journal stood up, and took Blindfold's hand, coaxing her to stand up as well. She did so.

"Alright, I'm going to take you to a place I've never taken you before, alright?"


Journal smiled, she was so soft and trusting....

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