October 18, 2025 - 11:22 AM

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They lasted 23 seconds to be exact. 23 seconds. If anyone was standing, they were probably dead and I didn't want to check.

The man laughs and closes the door. Mrs Jacelyn gets up from her cover and checks to see if any students got shot. Just as she stands up again, the door bursts open and the man shoots Mrs Jacelyn.

At this point, I'm being suffocated by Arlon's hug.

There's more scraping at the door, and I know, he's trying to get in.

The door slams open and I go into panic mode. The man laughs like a crazy person and starts shooting again. Some people around me start screaming. I'm sitting here, frozen in place, not knowing weather to roll around and quiet people or just wait.

I hear the crazy man walk into the room. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

In the distance, I hear police sirens wailing. If the police come soon, I'll be able to make it out of here alive.

october 18, 2025Where stories live. Discover now