chapter 1

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      Since draco was born, he lived a happy life with his friends and had a happy family but every happy story must come to an end.

                        ~~|THE PAST|~~
3rd person POV

It was late at night.Draco was laying on his bed, his mind was wandering off.He was so excited because tomorrow was his birthday which means he is going to turn 7 years old.So he quickly shut his eyes to fall asleep but his mind wont shut up about his birthday .his mind kept on predicting on how his party will be until he fell asleep.

The next day, he woke up at 6.30 am.He quickly went to the bathroom to get ready for his birthday.he took almost an hour in the bathroom.after he finished being in the bathroom, he rushed downstrairs to be seen by his mother.

"Happy birthday Dragon!" Narcissa said with a loving voice.

"Thank you mother" Draco said happiely.

His mother handed her hand to her son.Draco then accept it immediately.

"Let's go and have breakfast, shall we?" Narcissa stated.
Draco noded.

They went to the dining room. Draco saw his father sitting on a one of the chair while reading a daily prophet.Draco sat at the opposite of his father.

"Good morning father!"draco said to his father.

"Good morning to you too, dragon" His father reply.

After the Malfoys had their breakfast, Draco went to his bedroom.then an hour later, a house elf appeared right infront of him which almost gave him a jump.

"Young master your parent has called you downstrairs. Please get ready." The house elf staded.

"Ok and thank you."Draco reply.

Eventually the house elf  disapeared. Draco looked through his closet to find the perfect robe.he wore a green robe with black polished shoes.

He then went downstrairs, just to be greeted by his parents.

"Hello Draco" greeted his mother.

"Hello mother" draco responded.

"Today we will be having your birthday party"  announced Narcissa.

Draco felt the excitement came to him again.he was too high to even think straight.

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