chapter 3

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                                  The unfortunate statement

Draco's POV


I woke up on an unfamiliar bed. I sat up and looked around then saw my parents talking. I just stare at them until they turned their heads to face me.

My mother went to hug me but the moment that she was came near me, she was in shocked. Well both of my parents were shocked but I didn't know why.

"What's wrong?" I ask them softly trying to know why they are in shocked.

"Your......your..." My mother respond while my father still in shocked.

"Your eyes" She will then continue a few minutes later.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" I ask being curious

"Its black not silver as always" my father answered my  very obvious  question.

"B-b-black?" I repeated.

"Yes, black" my father spoke.

"How do I turn it back to normal?" I ask again curiousity taking over me.

"Well....." My mother started.

"We don't know." My father finished.

I then blinked my eyes which made my eyes turn back to normal for a few second. But then it turn back to dark again. Suddenly I got a Headache, causing me to black out.

When I woke up, I found myself in my room. I looked around and saw my parents. My mother went up to and hugged me. When we pulled back, her eyes were puffy with tears.

"Mother, what's wrong?" I asked

"You were unconscous for a whole month!!" My mother cried out.

I could feel the hurt that she had gone through while I was unconscous. I felt guilty for making her worried but life had it plan being like that. I tried to confort her but the problem is I just could not help but cry seeing her in this situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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