A girl with dream but tightly bonded with problems, cruel world, peoples , society questions lastly with her family strictness. Now how will her life will change, who will help her, so let's read the novel
Its about 7 p.m , Only one hour left for the party. Both Lisa ad her mother was confused whether they should go or not. Her mother came to her, " LISA, SEE I HAVE BROUGHT A BEAUTIFUL DRESS FOR YOU". She asked sadly , " BUT WHY?". Her mother replied, " YOU ARE GETTING INTRODUCED TO THE WORLD, YOU SHOULD LOOK PRETTY'. She said, " MOM! I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU I AM NOT GOING TO THE PARTY"
Her mother said to her, " OH DEAR! YOU SHOULD GO TO THE PARTY. YOUR FATHER WILL BE THERE. I PROMISED! She looked at her, " NO MOM! I KNOW HE WILL NEVER BE AGREE ON THIS. A voice came, " YOUR FATHER IS ALLOWING YOU MY CHILD TO GO AND EARN YOUR SUCCESS>" She looked at the door, her father was standing on the door
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Holding his briefcase, She got a sweet smile on her face, ran towards her father and hug him tightly. His father eyes were filled with the tears. He kissed Lisa and apologize, " I AM SORRY DAUGHTER,I WAS TAKING YOUR SUCCESS FROM YOU. JUST ONE THING, IN MY MIND WAS WOMEN SHOULD BE AT HOME. I WAS WRONG. PLEASE FORGIVE ME , PLEASE LISA."
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Lisa cried at the moment and hug his father so tightly saying, " NO DAD! YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO PROTECT ME FROM THIS EVIL WORLD. YOU WERE NOT WRONG. DON'T BE SORRY' His father said wiping Lisa's Tears", AREN'T YOU READY TO GO "
Her mother said, " ALL IS SET FOR THE PARTY! COME LISA, LET ME DRESS UP YOU ". LISA ran towards her mother and said, " YOU WERE RIGHT MOM , HE WILL COME WITH US ON THE PARTY". Lisa wore a beautiful dress
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Its already 8 p.m , they weren't reached to the party. JENNY SAVILLE was waiting for them. She thought they will not come. She was going to pack up the party, Suddenly , she saw a girl wearing a beautiful dress, coming to her. She was LISA. Jenny was so happy to see her.
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