A girl with dream but tightly bonded with problems, cruel world, peoples , society questions lastly with her family strictness. Now how will her life will change, who will help her, so let's read the novel
She went to the party. Everyone was looking at Lisa, charming little girl. Jenny come down the stairs. Announcing , " LADY AND GENTLE MEN, PRESENTING YOU THE YOUNG TALENTED ARTIST, LISA" Lisa was shy at that time, all camera were at her. Jenny hold her hand and said, " DON'T AFRAID LISA, COME UP THE STAIRS." She went on the stage and was seated on the chair.
Jenny started to introduced her. She said, " LISA, A TALENTED YOUNG GIRL. AN AMAZING ARTIST WHOSE TALENT WAS UNDER COVERED FROM THE WORLD. NOW HER TALENT IS GOING TO BE IN FRONT OF ALL YOU.I CAN BET YOU ALL WILL GOING TO BE AMAZED NOW" She called Lisa with her paintings. Lisa came to her smiling. Jenny took her drawings in front of the cameras.
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All were so amazed on her skills. All were doubting, she had made all these amazing drawings by her own self.
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She was shocked on her drawings, paintings, sketches, of the men stand up and asked Jenny a question, " WE ARE TOTALLY AMAZED BY HER ARTS. BEING AMAZED, A QUESTION IS ROAMING IN OUR MIND THAT HOW CAN WE BELIEVE, A LITTLE GIRL SO TALENTED IN ARTS?" Jenny smiled at him and said, " WILL YOU BELIEVE HER, IF SHE WILL SKETCH IN FRONT OF ALL OF YOU ?" He said, " OF COURSE! THEN WHY NOT "
Jenny asked Lisa, " SWEETHEART ! CAN YOU SKETCH FOR US?' She said, " OF COURSE I WILL. BUT I WANT TO SKETCH BLINDFOLDED" Everyone was starring at her surprisingly, A women came and blindfolded her. She started making up sketch
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After some time, the result was,
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And everyone stands up and clapped for her. The sound of applause everywhere. LISA WAS VERY HAPPY ON IT. HER EYES WERE FILLED WITH TEARS OF HAPPINESS. Jenny hug her, " CONGRATULATIONS LISA! YOU ARE AN ARTIST NOW!. She hug her back tightly saying, " THANK YOU !Her parents were also very happy .
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All the camera were capturing her cute, little, happy face. Jenny asked Lisa to come to the mic and say few words for her success. Lisa came towards the mic, A volunteer helped her putting a chair on which she stand ups and speak. " I AM REALLY THANKFUL TO GOD WHO HAD SEND MA'AM JENNY SAVILLE TO HELPED ME REACH AT THIS MOMENT. I AM NOT ABLE EXPRESS MY FEELINGS. I WAS DREAMING ALL THE NIGHT, DAYS FOR THIS DAY. STILL , THINKING, MAY BE ITS A DREAM. I AM FROM A FAMILY WHERE GIRLS HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE INTRODUCED TO THE WORLD....[. to be continued]