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i walked to school today without you by my side for the first time. ever since you laid eyes on her i was tossed to the side.

i walked in and immediately saw you. i ran up to you but you ignored me.

i finally gave up on getting your attention and walked away.

i walked into class and sat down in our usual seats.

i knew you would sit by me because it was a tradition for us.

the bell finally rang and i saw you walk in with her i waved for you to come over but you ignored me while walking to the back to sit by her.

i lowered my gaze and waited for the teacher to come into the class room.

i saw not our home teacher but a different one. "okay class, as you know i'm not your normal teacher and that is because your normal teacher is in labor and i will substitute for awhile,"

"today i won't have you so much except study, it's pretty basic but just study." he said and left the room.

i had hopes you would come up and study with me but you never did.

i laid my head on my arms and went into deep thought.

everyone loved her she was beautiful and was nice to everyone she met.

she had short hair with bangs. she had a big smile and greeted everyone wherever she walked or sat.

she was everything anyone could ever ask for.

i felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to meet your eyes.

i wasn't in the mood for you anymore and put my head back down.

"don't ignore me jayeong you know i hate being ignored."

i didn't answer you but you kept poking me.

i sighed and looked up at your eyes again.

you smiled. "i would like your help with something."

"what is it?" "befriend mina and help her fall in love with me."

i lowered my head and looked away from your gaze.

"please jayeong i really like her and i want her to feel the same."

"i can't befriend someone for your benefits jungkook that's unfair."

you sighed and grabbed my arm and kept bugging me.

"if i say yes you have to buy me lunch." "i'm having lunch with mina but i will buy you it."

"i will befriend her then."

i looked up to your gaze and your smile was bright.

i can't at least make you happy right?

One Sided {J.JK} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now