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i sat on the beach hoping that you would be looking for me.

you never came, it was almost midnight and i haven't heard from you.

i finally got up and walked home.


i got home and put in the code doing the same routine.

you weren't anywhere to be seen like you were yesterday.

i got up to my room and found my phone here, i never took it.

i immediately grabbed it.

there was your name on the screen.

i pressed my finger on the home button and immediately went to your message.

i'm sorry jayeong, i knew i am wrong in this situation but we can't be friends anymore.

i cant be friends with someone who loves me, it would be too awkward and weird.

i'm dating mina now, and i don't want her to get the wrong idea if we were friends.

it's not you this is all my fault so do not worry.

i left the keychain there for a reason.

i hope you can understand, maybe if you thought of me as a friend we could still be friends but you think of me as something more.

i'm sorry yeongie.

this was my fault.

he even used my nickname, he was trying to make me feel bad.

i threw my phone on the floor and balled my eyes out.

i was in so much pain because of you and you just keep hurting me more and more.

i'm sorry i wasn't good enough. i'm sorry.

i was just a blink in time for you.

our friendship has gone to waste because of me.

saying it wasn't me while blaming me.

i couldn't stop the tears from coming out.

you hurt me and i don't think i'm going to heal. i couldn't see you again. i couldn't face you.

i grabbed my suitcase from my shelf and got all of my clothes together not bothering if they were a mess.

i opened my drawer grabbing my passport and ID.

i got dressed in something different, grabbed my phone , charger, and headphones.

i closed my suitcase and grabbed my purse.

putting everything in there.

i opened my door and went to the kitchen to write a letter in case anyone comes here.

i placed my slippers and grabbed my shoes making sure to tie them.

in the end i left heading to the airport.

i already had my wallet and i took extra money i found in my parents room for extra.

i waved a cab and said one goodbye to my house and left.

i couldn't see his face again, i would only hurt more.

i got on my phone and deleted all of his pictures along with our pictures together.

in the end i had a normal background and there was nothing of us left.

i was still being childish.

bye jungkook, i hope you do well in life.


i hope you enjoyed this very short story!!

stay safe and vote for this book please!

it took awhile for this book to come to my mind.


have a good evening/day!!


One Sided {J.JK} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now